小学问题学生情感教育的浅析中英文对照 .pdfVIP

小学问题学生情感教育的浅析中英文对照 .pdf

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小学问题学生情感教育的浅析 中英文对照 Analysis on the problems of primary school students emotional education in Chinese and English. 摘 要:由于家庭因素和学校因素的影响,一部分小学生被贴上“问题学生”的标签,这严 重影响了学生的身心发展和自我认识。 采用情感教育的渗透, 培养学生的自尊心自信心, 可 以让问题学生走出内心的困扰,重新树立正确的人生价值观。 Abstract: due to the influence of family factors and school factors, part of a label the pupils were labeled as "problem students", which seriously affects the physical and mental development of students and self-awareness. The emotional education, cultivating students' self-esteem self-confidence, can make the students out of heart problems, to establish a correct outlook on life and value. 关键词:小学;问题学生;情感教育;职称论文 Keywords: primary school; problem students; emotional education; professional paper 小学是教育事业的基础,要想从整体上提高国民素质,必须保障小学生的身心能健康发展。 在小学生这一群体中有一部分学生被看做是问题学生, 他们过早地丧失了学习兴趣 , 缺乏学 习自信 , 其接受能力和探究能力较弱,自我约束与自我管理能力较差。问题学生形成的原因 是多方面的也是难以避免的, 教师应该通过自己的教育理念去了解问题学生的特点, 采用情 感教育的渗透帮助他们走出困境,使他们得到应有的发展。著名教育家陶行知曾说: “培养 教育人和种花木一样, 首先要认识花木的特点, 区别不同情况给以施肥、 浇水和培养教育” 。 教师应该了解问题学生产生的原因, 因材施教, 对症下药才能真正使问题学生产生彻底的转 变。 Primary school is the foundation of education, to improve the national quality on the whole, we must guarantee the students physical and mental health development. In the primary school in the groups of some students are regarded as the problem of the students, their premature loss of interest in learning, lack of confidence, the ability to accept and exploring ability is weak, self-control and self-management ability. The causes of problem students are many and difficult to avoid, teachers should be through their own educational philosophy to understand the characteristics of the problem students, the penetration of emotional educ


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