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2014 年江苏高考英语试题 第一节 : 单项填空 (共 15 小题 ; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分 ) 21. Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed. A. though B. as C. since D. unless The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ________ a good impression is a must. A. which B. when C. as D. where —How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing? —Well, the media ________ it in a variety of forms. A. cover B. will cover C. have covered D. covered 24. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay ________. A. in place B. in order C. in shape D. in fashion 25. Top graduates from universities are ________ by major companies. A. chased B. registered C. offered D. compensated —What a mess! You are always so lazy! — I ’ m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me. A. how B. what C. that D. who 27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful ________ in la st year ’ s election. A. symbol B. portrait C. identity D. statue 28. The idea “happiness, ”________, will not sit still for easy definition. A. to be rigid B. to be sure C. to be perfect D. to be fair 29. The lecture ________, a lively question-and-answer session followed. A. being given B. having given C. to be given D. having been given —Dad, I don ’tthink Oliver the right sort of person for the job. —I see. I’ll go right away and ________. A. pay him back B. pay him off C. put him away D. put him off 31. It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, ________ bring me food. A. might B. would C. should D. could 32. I can’tmeet you on Sunday. I ’ll be ________ occupied. A. also B. just C. nevertheless D. otherwise 33. Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to ________ the soul of Qu Yuan. A. remember B. remind C. recover D. recall 34. Good families are much to all their members, but ________ to none. 1 A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing — ________ ! Somebody has lef


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