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Unit 9 When was it inven ted? 温故知新 (课前复习类训练) ? Word recycli ng and grammar reviewi ng (旧词循环和语法复习) I .Write down the correct form of the word according to the request. 2.leaves(单数形式 2.leaves(单数形式)_ 4.good(比较级) 6.think(过去式) 8.mixture(动词) 10.helpful(名词) 3.potatoes 4.better 8.mix 9.healthily phone(完全形式) potato(复数形式) helpful(最高级) 7.same(反义词) 9.healthy(畐U词) 5.most helpfullO.help答案: 5.most helpful lO.help thought 7.differe nt n .Complete the sentence with the right word form. (用单词的适当形式完成句子。 ) They are used for (cha nge) the style of the shoes. Later he decided (taste) the hot mixture. This (specially) pen was inven ted by Zhen gjie. The (fly) disk was inven ted by college stude nts. (rema in) for some time.5.Some leaves from a n earby bush fell into the water and (rema in) for some time. 答案: changing 介词for后跟动词-ing形式。 to taste decide后跟动词不定式作宾语。 special修饰名词pen应用形容词形式。 flying 修饰名词disk应用形容词形式,动词 -ing形式可作形容词。 remai ned根据句子结构可判断应用过去式。 有备无患 (课前预习类训练) ? Preparatio n for new less ons(新课预习)I . Write down the Chinese meaning of the word or phrase. ? Preparatio n for new less ons (新课预习) I . Write down the Chinese meaning of the word or phrase. (写出单词或短语的中文意思。 ) 1.by accident 3.k nock into 5.remai n 答案:1.意外 2.用这种方法 2.in this way 4.i ncludi ng_ 6.bakery 3.撞上 4?包括 5?保持 6?面包店 n .Please go through the text and complete the following sentences according to the tips. (预习课文,根据汉语提示完成句子。 ) 篮球运动出现于100多年之前。 than 100 than 100 hun dred years old. 带电的拖鞋是什么时间发明的 electric slippers inven ted? 3?它们用来做什么? are they used ? 4?包括中国在内,篮球流行于 200多个国家,出现于任何场所。 Basketball is popular among over 200 coun tries China, it has bee n played every where. Dr Naismith发明了一种能在硬的木地板上进行的运动。 Dr Naismith created a game on a hard floor. 答案: a little more more than表示“ 的多”,形容词比较级可用 a little修饰,表示程度。 When were 因为拖鞋已经出现,应用一般过去时,注意 :主语是复数形式。 What; for What...for?句型表示目的。 4.including ; where 先行词countries在从句中作状语,所以用 where引导。 5.to be played ; wooden 本句可用定语从句 which/that was played表示,也可用动词不定式 作定语修饰名词game,但要注意:如果名词在逻辑上动词的宾语,则


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