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PAGE 供复习用(供第二轮复习用2014年上学期期末考试题型 I. Discuss the following topics: (本题共12分, 每小题6分) 可从第二轮复习资料中第一部分出题,是回答问题的题。 II. Translate the following into Chinese (本题共24分, 每小题4分) 可从第二轮复习资料中出题,是翻译的题。其中有3个小题来自课外。 III. Translate the following into English (本题共24分, 每小题3分) 可从第二轮复习资料中出题,是翻译的题。其中有2个小题来自课外。 Ⅳ.Translate the following passages into Chinese((本题共40分, 每篇20分): 可从第二轮中复习资料出题。 翻译技巧课后练习 一、回答问题 1.何谓翻译?(开放式问题) 2.翻译的过程是什么? 3.翻译是技能、艺术还是科学?(开放式问题) 4.翻译的标准是什么? 5.一名合格翻译工作者应具备什么样的素质?(开放式问题) 6.钱钟书先生关于文学翻译的标准是什么? 二句子翻译练习,注意语境对翻译选词的影响[见第3章:英汉词义对比与翻译中根据语境选词] 句子翻译练习:注意语境对翻译选词的影响 1.After he had a row with his wife at home he had a row with his mistress on the lake. 2.Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade. 3. Lead as an element that gets into your body is absorbed into the bones and thus does harm to your health. 4. Child enrolment is also affected by household size, birth order, livestock ownership and the ability of the household to absorb economic shocks. 5. You could tell he was absorbed in his conversation, and not paying much attention to the road. 6. As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. 7. As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. 8. He made a wise choice. 9. We went away, as wise as we came. 10. People praised highly the hero’s glorious deeds. 11. He had lied to me and made me the tool for his wicked deeds. 12.Under the direction of the teachers, he has made great progress. 13. Under the direction of Hitler and Mussolini, Franco started a civil war. 14. For 15 years, Dr. Neil Todd has been searching for cats. Not big cats, like lions or tigers or pumas or leopards; nor fancy cats, like overbred Persians or Abyssinians or Siamese or Angoras. 15. 谁说他从不喝酒?你看,他喝起白酒来,一杯又一杯的。 Keys to Exercises 1.在家里同妻子吵架后,他与情人在湖上泛舟。 2. 夜贼需要一点亮光来看东西,便蹑手蹑脚穿过房间,点亮了那盏带浅绿色灯罩的灯。 3. 进入体内的铅元素被吸收进骨骼,从而对身体产生危害。 4. 儿童报名入学还受到很多因素是影响,包括家庭规模、出生顺序、牲畜饲养情况以及家庭消解经济意


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