U07-1_Rhetorical Patterns 2-Enumeration and Exemplification外国文学欣赏.pdf

U07-1_Rhetorical Patterns 2-Enumeration and Exemplification外国文学欣赏.pdf

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College English for A c a d e m i c Re a d i n g Rhetorical Patterns Enumeration and Exemplification 11 Enumeration 22 Exemplification CONTENTSCONTENTSCONTENTSCONTENTS 33 To detect enumeration and exemplification Enumeration • Enumeration –Listing details ––ListingListing aa processprocess ofof mentioningmentioning wordswords oror phrasesphrases step by step –A type of amplification or division in which a subject is further distributed into components or parts. Enumeration • To elucidate a topic • To lay emphasis on certain ideas to elaborate themthem furtherfurther • To help readers avoid ambiguity in the minds Enumeration • Address to the Jury during the Anti- ConscriptionTrialinNewYorkCity(Emma Goldman)Goldman) Enumeration • In this paragraph, Emma Goldman discusses how America can save democracy while wagingwaging warwar.. SheShe listslists detailsdetails aboutabout whatwhat mightmight happen if America does not make it safe at home. It is an example of enumeration. Enumeration • Let’s read a few lines from the famous speech “I have a dream.” Enumeration • “…whenallofGod'schildren,blackmenand whitemen,JewsandGentiles,Protestantsand Catholics,willbeabletojoinhandsandsing inthewordsoftheoldNegrospiritual.” Exemplification • Exemplification –The giving of an example –Concrete and/or specific details to support abstract ideas or generalizations有缘学习更多+谓ygd3


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