5.4verbal styles中国传统文化:博我以文.pdf

5.4verbal styles中国传统文化:博我以文.pdf

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Part V Verbal Communication Session 4 Verbal Styles Hello everyone. Today we are going to talk about verbal styles. We will start from a short video clip. Rich is invited to the birthday party of his girlfriend’s father. Let’s see what he has done during the dinner. OK,why did Rich pour soy sauce onto the fish? If you were him, will you do the same thing? Rich has made a huge mistake. Yet he doesn’t even realize it. Many Westerners perceive the East as mysterious, not only because they have never visited Asia themselves, but also because they feel it is difficult to communicate with Asian people. Apart from what we say, how we say it also means a lot. It is important to understand people ’s verbal style in the course of communication. Today, our learning objective will be to understand the different verbal styles people use to communicate. We will learn about direct and indirect styles; Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement styles; personal and contextual styles; and elaborate, exacting and succinct styles. Communication is to send messages. The manner in which messages are communicated is our communication style. Depending on the audience, circumstance, event and the occasion, various styles are adopted to achieve this purpose. The most often mentioned verbal styles are direct verbal style and indirect verbal style. Many Asians use an indirect verbal style. For Asians like Chinese and Japanese, interpersonal relationship within groups is very important. We often avoid direct fact to please the other parties, or at least avoid offending others during communication in order to maintain the harmonious situation in a group. By using the indirect verbal style, the speakers tend to soften, or even hide t


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