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Lesson 3 Tell what is it by feeling 教案 教学目标 1、To help Ss grasp the new words “a peach” “some garlic ” “a rubbish bin ” “an onion ” “dates ” “a pineapple ” “soy sauce ” “a rubbish bin ” and the new sentence “There be ” [ 来源 : 学科网 ZXXK] 2、To train the Ss ’ abilities of listening and speaking 3、培养学生大胆说英语、灵活应用英语的能力 , 增强自信心和成就感。 [ 来源 : 学§科§网 ] 学情分析 六年级学生虽然基本都在 11、 12 岁左右 , 但还是活泼、好动 , 对于新事物得好奇心很强 , 求知欲也很强。他们能在课堂上积极的发言 , 积极的参与小组竞赛 , 给课堂营造了很活跃的氛围。 在设计时 , 我融入了很多活动 , 让孩子们尽情释放他们学习英语的激情。 重点难点 1 、 掌握 “a peach” “some garlic ” “a rubbish bin ” “an onion ” “dates ” “a pineapple ” “soy sauce ”等新单词 2、掌握“ There be ”句型。 [ 来源 : 学+科+网] 4 教学过程 活动 1【讲授】 Step1:Greetings (Free talk) T ask, Ss answer. (Talk about age/weather/name) Teacher say: Hello/Hi to Ss. 【设计意图】师生间的自由交谈能拉近师生的关系 Step 2: Warming-up 1 、 Let ’s c hant. (with action)  , 使课堂氛围变得融洽。 Up up stand up, Down down sit down. Here here come here. Back back go back.. [ 来源 : 学科网 ] 【设计意图】课前的热闹气氛能调动学生的积极性 , 复习了 chant 里的很多动物 为之后的故事教学做好铺垫。 2 、 Revisi on. (By reading words) Form: boys/girl read group read line by line row by row 【设计意图】复习旧知 , 便于进一步学习新知。 Step 3: Presentation 1、Lead-in (Teacher use pictures and aids to teach new contents) Teacher take out ginger and chilies to review sentences: What can you see? What does it taste like? What do the taste like? (Ss answer) Teacher take out some fruits to practice sentences. 【设计意图】图片和实物的展示能让学生形成视觉的冲击 , 首先在大脑中形成知识的影像 , 通过复习单词和句型能更好的引入新知 , 为后面的学习做好铺垫。 2 Presentation Do you know where they are? Ss: They are in the (kitchen) (T leads ss to answer it) T: Like ginger, vinegar, salt, t hey are all in the kitchen. (Today we’ll learn a new lesson about kitchen) T write the title on the blackboard, and teach them ——“ kitchen ”. ①Teach “kitchen ” ②Guessing game (Let ’s Ss smell/ touch things, and guess “What’s this? / Where are they?/ What do the taste like?) Ss guess the thing right, T put the pictures and words card on the blackboard. Let ’s Ss to look at the book, and answer “what can you see? ” “w


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