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Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.;第一课时;;What’s in the picture? What is it doing? What are they doing?;;;;Oh! There ____ twelve boys on the bike!;;;;Is the show interesting? Lingling, Amy and Sam are watching the interesting performance. But where is Daming? Do you see him? Let’s look for Daming together. ;Look, Daming is here. What is he doing? He is introducing animals. Let’s have a look.;What can you see in the photo? There is a panda in the photo. What is the panda eating? It’s eating fruit.;What can you see in the photo? There is a bear in the photo. What is the bear eating? It’s eating sweets.;How many chickens are there in the photo? There are three chickens in the photo. What are they doing? They are eating rice.;How many pigs are there in the photo? There is a pig in the photo. How many pigs are there in the photo? There are two pigs in the photo. How many pigs are there in the photo? There are twelve pigs in the photo.;;;;;;;;;示例:Daming抽取图片,Amy, John, Maomao根据图片编对话。 Daming: Amy, what’s in the photo? Amy: There are two rabbits. They’re eating carrots. Daming: Yes, you are right. Look at this photo, Maomao? Maomao: Oh, There are five pandas. They’re eating bamboos. Daming: Good. Look at this photo, John? John: Let me see. There is a chicken. It’s eating worms. Daming: Great!;一、选一选。;二、单项选择。;;1.听录音,背诵活动二的对话。 2.结合本课内容创编一个新对话,并与同伴表演出来 。;第二课时;;;;There are two cats. They’re climbing a tree.;There are two girls. They’re rowing a boat.;There is a lion in the photo. It’s running fast..;;一、交际小高手。;( ) 3. 你想告诉别人你正在吃水果,你会说: A. I eat fruit. B. I’m eating fruit. ( ) 4. 你想说在这张照片里有两只猫,它们正在爬树,你会说: A. There are two cats in the photo. They climb a tree. B. There are two cats in the photo. They are climbing a tree.;二、根据图片提示描述照片中的情景,补全句子。;三、连词成句。;;1.将活动四的歌曲唱给自己的爸爸妈妈听。 2.结合本课所学创编一个新对话,并与同伴表演出来。


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