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Unit2 It s Show Time! 基础关 Lesson 7 Whats your project about 一、英汉互译 2.好好休息 4. 2.好好休息 4. 旅行非常愉快 6. 一些名胜古迹 8.从事….的工作 10. 使某人笑了 _ 整整两天 _ 5.准备好…._ 7. 开玩笑 9.一些滑稽的事 二、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词 sleep--- see--- sleep--- see--- -- learn--- Have--- --- Hear--- --- 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 The boy (sleep) for eight hours last night. There are many places of ( interest) in Heibei . They (have ) a good trip last week. We ( learn ) so much yesterday. He is (make ) a joke. 四、根据所给汉语提示完成句子 旅行后你们休息的好吗? Did you after the trip? 我睡了整整两天。 I for two . 你们的课题准备好了吗 ? Are you your project ? 在丝绸之路上我们听到了许多关于他的东西。 We about him ___ the Silk Road. 我的课题是关于中国的一些名胜古迹。 My project is about some in China. 6.丝绸之路是关于历史和文化的 。 The Silk Road is about _ and 7. 不要开玩笑了 ! Dont ___ ! 8. 咱们去图书馆从事课题研究吧。 Lets go to the and __ our project. 五、连词成句 1. a, I, great, hope, will, trip, have, you 2.project, ready, are, for, you, your ? 3.sleep, will, after, better, you, a, feel, good 4.next, you, what, for, about, class, talk, will, the ? 5.like, you, about, Chinese, more, learn, history, would, to Lesson8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road 写出下列动词的原形及汉语意思 ^Was— went--- travelled--- moved--- lasted--- met--- worked--- learned--- discovered--- invented--- wrote--- 二、英汉互译 1.一个来自于意大利的人 2.在……岁时 3.在A和B之间 4.旅行到…. 5.发现了煤炭 6.发明了纸 7对…..陌牛//新的 8.把…..带回到 9.希望干….. 10.为….工作/效力 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空 They ( travel ) to Zhan gjiakou last week. 2.1 put his ( good ) into his bag just now. He hoped (visit ) his grandfather. My cous in ( write ) a letter to me yesterday. Marco Polo ( bring ) some coal and paper back to Italy. 三、 根据所给汉语提示完成句子 Jim 八岁时学习骑马。 Jim lear ned to ride a horse eight. 他们将会乘坐骆驼旅行。They will . 我姐姐将会给我带一些光碟回来。 My sister will some CDS to me. 对于这个孩子来说,城市里的一切都是新的。 Everything in the city the child . 这些商人经常在中国与俄罗斯之间运送货物。 These businessmen often move goods China Rusia. 四.单项选择 He me to go with him after every day. A. hopes B. wants C. makes D. lets The boy with a pair of glasses sits you and . A. beside, I B. betwe



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