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China’ s New Premier Pledge(承诺) Reform, Sees risks Chinese premier Li Keqiang said on Sunday ensuring economic growth was the top priorty for his government, p led ging to fight graft(1), tackle*vest interests*(既得利益) and calling for an end to a cyber row(纠纷) with the united states Li's first news con ferences as permier. at the close of the annual meeting of chin a's parliam ent that confirmed his appointment, covered topics th at have been the principal focus of recent government rhetoric, with a strong emphasis(seia)on the necessity of reform to deliver long-term economic stability The views of li Rahul is hiding The views of li I, The highest priority will be to m ain tain sustain able econom i growth 2, The key is to have econim ic tr an sform ation. we need to com bine the dividends (R B) of reform the poten tial of domestic dem and and the vitality(生命力) of creativity so that these to gether will form newdrivers of economic growth 3, we said that in pursuing reform we now have to navigate uncharted waters*(崭新的局势). we m ay also have to con front some protracted(持久的) problems. This is because ill have to shake up vested interests 4, Som etim es stirring vested interests may be more difficult th at he soul, but however the water may be, we will wade(pg) nto the water. This is because we have no altern ative reform concerns the destinyofour country and the future ofour nation Reform Pledges Cyber-sniping Reform Pledges Despite its ranking as the second largest economy globally afte three decades of ste|lr(优秀的 )growth, China remains an aspiring mide- ncome country riven(四分 五裂的 with inequality dependent on state-backed vestment The premier pledged(保证)to reform capita|(资本) market,the currency and fight chinas pervasive(弥漫) corruption crisis R eform Pledges Government offercials, having chosen public life should give up thoughts of riches Second China s broad reform effort would also lead to mprovements in en


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