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晶状体随年龄增长对眼前段轴向空 间结构的影响 【摘要】 【目的】探讨正常人晶状体 随年龄的增长对眼前段轴向空间结构的影 响。【方法】采用眼前段光学相干断层扫描 仪测量正常人105例前房深度和晶状体厚度; 比较它们性别间的差异,采用直线相关与回 归分析方法分析年龄与 ACD LT的相关关系。 【结果】正常人ACD LT的平均值分别为: mm mm女性 ACE mni匕男性 mn^; LT性 别间差异无统计学意义。ACD^年龄负相关, LT与年龄正相关。ACD?年龄的增加每年变 浅8 ?滋g LT随年龄每年增厚21 ?滋m 晶状体随年龄向玻璃体腔方向扩张的速度 存在性别差异,男性13 ?滋m/year ,女性7 ? 滋m/year。【结论】女性 ACD比男性浅,正 常人随着年龄的增加,ACD^渐变浅,LT厚 度逐渐增加。女性LT的增加使ACD更趋于 变浅,而男性则较多向玻璃体腔扩张。 【关键词】眼前段光学相干断层扫描仪; 前房;晶状体;年龄 Abstract [Objective 】 To evaluate effect of lens increasing with ages on the vertical space of anterior segment in normal subjects. [Methods】One hundred and five eyes of 105 normal subjects were enrolled, whose anterior chamber depth (ACD) and lens thickness (LT) were measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). The differences of ACD and LT between genders were compared. The effect of age on ACDand LT were analyzed using linear correlation and regression. [Results 】The mean of ACD and LT were (S =) mm, (S =) mm, respectively. The meanACDof females was (S =) mm,which was significantly shallower than that of males (S = ) mm (P =). LT showed no significant difference between genders (P =). There were significant negative correlation between age and ACD (r =-, P=), and positive relationship between age and LT (r = , P =). The linear analysis showed decreases of ACD with ageby 8 ?滋 m per year, and the increase of LT with ageby 21 (m per year, respectively. The tendency of lens growth with age toward vitreous cavity was more apparent in males than in females , which was 13 ?滋 min males and 7 ?滋 min females per year. [Conclusion 】 The ACD of females was shallower than that of males. In normal subjects, ACD become shallower while LT increase with age. The increase of LT in females was prone to narrowing ACD, while the growth of lens in males was muchlikely towards vitreous cavity. Keywords: anterior segment optical coherence tomography; anterior chamber, lens, age 许多眼病与眼球的解剖结构密切相关,前 房深度以及晶状体厚度等生物学数据对原 发性闭角型青光眼、近视等疾病的诊治和临 床研究具有一定的


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