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上市公司应收账款政策管理现状、问题探讨 ---以光明乳业股份有限公司为例 摘要: 目前,我国企业应收账款的数量呈现逐年上升的趋势,企业流动资金短缺与大量债权无法变现之间的矛盾异常突出。应收账款的不断增长使不少企业运营资金拮据,应收账款占用资金加大了企业的机会成本,而应收账款难以收回又使公司的坏账增加,从而增加企业的费用,致使许多企业虚盈实亏,影响企业的利润。随着企业竞争的不断加剧,应收账款对企业的生存至关重要。企业要想在竞争中不被淘汰,保持竞争能力,必须加强应收账款管理,提高资金使用率、降低企业经营风险。本文则是以光明乳业股份有限公司为例通过分析目前部分企业应收账款的问题根源所在,提出合理的建议和措施,从而降低企业的风险。 关键词:光明乳业、信用管理、收账程序、风险管理、控制策略 Analytic accounts receivable management policy Abstracts:At present, our country enterprise accounts receivable amount rising gradually, the enterprise liquidity shortage and a large number of creditor's rights cannot be realized the contradiction between the abnormal outstanding. The accounts receivable increasing make many enterprises operating cash strapped, accounts receivable take fund increase the opportunity cost of the enterprise, and accounts receivable is difficult to recover and that the company's bad debt increases, thus increasing the cost of enterprise, the many enterprise virtual surplus real kui, influence of the profits of the business. With the increasing of enterprise competition, accounts receivable to the survival of enterprises is very important. Enterprise in the competition to not be eliminated, keep competition ability, must strengthen the accounts receivable management, improve capital utilization rate, reduce the operating risk of an enterprise. This paper is based on interface bright dairy industry co., LTD as an example through the analysis of the present part of the enterprise accounts receivable problem source, this paper puts forward reasonable Suggestions and measures to effectively strengthen enterprise of the management of accounts receivable, thereby reducing the risk of the enterprise. Key words: credit management and collection procedures, risk management, control strategy 1 引言: 1.1研究背景 金融危机全面爆发,导致世界经济整体下滑,其影响至今仍在延续。由于各主要经济体出现经济衰退,导致贸易保护主义再度抬头。新一轮贸易保护主义依然大行其道,受其影响,国际贸易全面下挫,贸易摩擦更加频繁,全球性的贸易壁垒已经形成 。许多大型企业,例如光明乳业,对于我国国民经济和就业意义重大,也我国产品出口的主力军。金融危机背景下国际贸易遭遇寒冬,大型企业首当其冲。我们必


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