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跨文化商务交际-4;Attention !!!;Discussion;Figure out a variety of FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.;To communicate effectively in the Globe Village, you should be:;1. What is nonverbal communication?;According to two different researches:;We make important judgments and decisions concerning the internal states of others. We use the actions of others to learn about their affective or emotional states. It is responsible for first impressions. Many of our nonverbal actions are not easily controlled consciously.;3. How does nonverbal communication function?;Body Language (Kinesics) (I);1. Posture;Thailand: the bottoms of the feet are the lowest part of the body, they should never be pointed in the direction of another person. U. S. Britain: lean back in chairs and put feet on desk to convey a relaxed, informal attitude. Middle East, Swiss and Germany: putting feet on desk is rude. Japan: sit quietly.; Peoples social status, religious practices, feelings of submissiveness, desires to maintain social distance.;Bowing in Japan:;The German and Japanese bow differ:;2. Gestures;Hand gesture;Thumb down U.S. Canada: disapproval. Greece: a rude sign.;The OK sign / The ring gesture U. S.: “Everything is fine and going well”. Germany: “You asshole”. France: “A proposal is absolutely worthless, a zero”. Japan: a commonly used symbol for MONEY. Tunisia: a threat of bodily harm: “I’ll kill you.” Greece Brazil: quite vulgar connotation.;The V sign Palm outward: victory (U. S. and many other countries). palm inward: A crude connotation (England and South Africa) Winston Churchill’s story;The single finger beckon U. S. Britain: summon someone to “Come here”; Yugoslavia Malaysia: beckoning animals; Indonesia Australia: beckoning prostitutes; China: beckoning gesture--the hand is extended toward the person, palm open and facing down, with all fingers crooked in a beckoning motion.;2. Gestures; Good luck sign Anglo-American cultures: to wish someone good luck. Germans wish others


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