王爱英译稿 --玫瑰在东印度文化及阿育吠陀医学中的传统内涵.doc

王爱英译稿 --玫瑰在东印度文化及阿育吠陀医学中的传统内涵.doc

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The Tradition of the Rose in East Indian Culture and Ayurvedic Medicine By Monika Joshi 玫瑰在东印度文化及阿育吠陀医学中的传统内涵 莫妮卡·乔希 Roses have an enduring presence throughout East Indian cultural history. The flower was used and is still used today in ceremonies such as Hindu weddings, and in the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional system of Indian healing. Applications of Ayurveda make extraordinary use of the blossoms, such as in preparation of rose fragrances. Often used in garlands, these floral decorations serve as a means of personal adornment. As a basic ingredient of perfumes, the incense industry makes use of the flower’s derivatives. Rose petals are used in culinary preparations, such as those found in The Great Curries of India. The purpose of this essay is to familiarize readers with the historical, religious and medical significance of roses in East Indian culture and Ayurvedic medicine. 玫瑰在东印度传统文化中存在已久。这一花卉一直用于印度教婚礼等仪式以及传统的印度疗法——阿育吠陀医学,今天依旧如此。[①] David Frawley, Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Private Limited, 2000) 6.阿育吠陀医学在实践中会特别使用玫瑰花,如用其制备玫瑰香氛等。玫瑰花还经常被做成花环,用作个人饰物。作为香水的基本原料,玫瑰的衍生品在香氛工业也得到充分利用。此外,玫瑰花瓣还可用于烹饪,在《美味的印度咖喱》(The Great Curries of India)一书中可找到相关内容。[②] 烹饪法实例可参见 [①] David Frawley, Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Private Limited, 2000) 6. [②] 烹饪法实例可参见Camellia Panjabi的著作 The Great Curries of India, 40. Historical records about the varieties of native Indian roses are very limited, except for ancient texts of Ayurveda, which identify the rose as a popular medicinal ingredient. However, within the last thirty years, archaeological discoveries indicate that flower was already in use in the early Indus Valley civilization as one of the basic ingredients for preparing aromatic oils. In 1975, Dr. Paolo Rovesti, director of the Instituto Derivati Vegetali in Milan, led an expedition to Pakistan, an independent country that was part of India until 1947, to investigate the early Indus Vall


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