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Buil ding i ndustry opens up new w orld of e ntrepreneurial str uggle to buil d a three provinces of regional central citi es--in t he Communist x counties the six ple nary session members a nd comrades: toda y, I was commissioned by t he County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports t o the Ge ner al Assembl y. Consideration of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrades atte ndi ng advice. A, and thi s year yilai of work re called t his year yilai, i n muni cipal of right led Xia, County soli darity led C ounty people, t o scie nce devel opme nt views for gui de, to good a ctivities for mainli ne, a ccording t o "a city four moder nizati ons t hree more" of devel opme nt thought, conce ntrated poly for ce, work hard, politi cal, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social a nd party of constructi on are ma de ha s new progress, County re nderi ng out w ind fresh are, and care er prosperit y, and social settle d, and pe opl e mind into of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the constructi on of the project. Firmly esta blish the "scratch pr oject i s economic, grasping development pr oject is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordinary efforts to promoti ng the constructi on of key proje cts. Plot 108 key pr oject s for the year, with a total inve stment of 29.3 billi on yuan, ir on plate , Josh stone cement wa ste heat power ge neration a nd 13 projects completed, w orshi p of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandpare nt chi cken f arming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billi on yuan, a nnual pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product is expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billion yua n, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) struct ural adjustment achieve d remarkable results. Actively tra nsforming the pattern of economic development, i ndustrial ecolog y, and agricult ural modernizati on a nd i ndustrialization of servi ces.High x-County • T in iron circular economy demonstration



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