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沙利度胺对人外周血单个核细胞免 疫正调控作用 【摘要】 本研究观察沙利度胺对 外周血单个核细胞增殖、淋巴细胞亚群、细 胞因子分泌及其杀伤活性的影响, 探讨沙利 度胺治疗MM勺免疫调节机理。用 MTT法检 测PBMN?勺增殖及杀伤活性,用流式细胞术 检测淋巴细胞亚群的变化, 用ELISA方法检 测培养上清中细胞因子的浓度。结果表明: 与阴性对照组相比,沙利度胺可明显刺激正 常人PBMN仲CD8+T NK细胞的增殖,显着 增加IL-6的分泌,减少IFN- y的分泌,不 影响IL-2 、IL-10的分泌;在同一效靶比 时,5 [I g/ml的沙利度胺可明显增强 PBMNC 的杀伤活性,效靶比为40 : 1时沙利度胺组 杀伤活性最强。结论:沙利度胺主要刺激PHA 活化后的正常人PBMN仲CD8+T NK细胞的 增殖及IL-6的分泌来增强PBMNC1杀伤活 性,通过增强细胞免疫功能发挥抗骨髓瘤作 用。 【关键词】沙利度胺多发性骨髓瘤 免 疫调节抗肿瘤免疫 Positive Immunoregulation of Thalidomide on Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Cultures AbstractThis study was purposed to investigate the effects of thalidomide on proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs), levels of lymphocyte subsets, secretion of cytokines and its killing activity, and to elucidate the immnoregulation mechanisuns in treatment of multiple myeloma with thalidomide. The method of MTT was used to detect the effects of thalidomide on the proliferations and the cytotoxic activity of PBMNC; the flow cytometer was used to analyze the lymphocyte subsets; the ELISA was used to measure the concentrations of cytokines in culture supernatants. The results showed that thalidomide enhanced the proliferations of the CD8+T, NK cells in PHA-stimulated PBMNC from healthy volunteers, increased the secretion of IL-6 significantly, and decreased the secretion of IFN- 飞,and the secretions of IL-2 and IL-10 were not affected. Compared with control group, at the sameratio of effectors to targets the thalidomide (5 昏 g/ml) could enhance the cytotoxic activity of PBMNC(P ), the cytotoxic activity was maximal when the ratio of effectors to targets was 40 : 1. It is concluded that thalidomide preferentially enhances the proliferations of CD8+T, NK cells in PHA-stimulated PBMNC from healthy volunteers, and enhances the cytotoxic activity of PBMNC by increasing the secretion of IL-6 significantly, in short, thalidomide can exert anti-myeloma effects by increasing cellular immune function. Key wordsThalidomide; Multiple myeloma; Imm


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