高中英语选修八课件4.1《Unit 4 Grammar》.pptVIP

高中英语选修八课件4.1《Unit 4 Grammar》.ppt

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Grammar Yonghe Middle School * 新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 选修(模块)8-4.1 复习:过去分词充当定语、表语和宾语补足语 1. _______ (污染的)air and water are harmful to people’s health. 2. The problem ____________________ (在会议上讨论的) yesterday was very difficult to solve. 3. He became ______ (兴奋) when he heard he had won the first place in the competition. 4. I am _________ (感兴趣) in the story. Polluted discussed at the meeting excited interested 5. I haven’t got the film ________ (冲洗)yet. 6. Do you know the man _______ (站) beside the door? 7. A breaking cup is lying on the floor. 8. The meeting holds yesterday was very important. developed standing breaking改为broken holds改为held 过去分词短语作状语 过去分词作状语可表示时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、伴随等意义。这种过去分词状语相当于于一个时间、地点、原因、条件、让步等状语从句, 若过去分词作状语,句子的主语与分词所表示的动作构成动宾关系, 即是该分词动作的承受者。 1. 过去分词作原因状语 Greatly moved by the film, they all cried. 他们看了那部电影深受感动, 都哭了。 Surrounded by a group of young people, the old man felt happy. 身边围着一群年轻人, 老人感到很高兴。 2.过去分词作状语, 表示伴随情况或方式。 The trainer appeared, followed by six little dogs. 训练员出现了,后面跟着六条小狗。 He walked up and down the room, lost in thought. 他在屋子时走来走去,陷入了沉思。 Filled with extraordinary strength, he raised himself. 他使出全身的力气站了起来。 3.过去分词作状语, 还可以表示: Given much time, we could do it better.(条件) 多给点时间的话,我们会做得更好。 When heated, ice can be changed into water.(时间) 冰加热时变成水。 提示: 过去分词作状语与现在分词作状语的区别在于: 过去分词与句子主语构成动宾关系, 而现在分词与句子主语构成主谓关系。 Seeing in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. Seen in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. Exercises: 用分词改写下列从句: 1.While he was watching TV,he heard a knock at the door. 2.If the town is seen from the top of the hill,it looks more beautiful . While watching TV,he heard a knock at the door. Seen from the top of the hill,the town looks more beautiful. 3.As the watch is used for a long time ,it needs repairing . 4.The boy will be blind in both eyes unless he is treated on time. 5.Though he had seen told


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