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语篇与译者; Contents ; Standard Abbreviations;Outline ;Chapter One Issues and Debates in Translation Studies ;Translating is a communicative process which takes place within a social context 翻译不是成品而是过程 翻译活动的语境考虑 翻译中不能做到绝对客观;1.1 Process and Product Translation as product instead of translating as process.(Widdowson points out) The view of this book: translation as a process involving the negotiation of meaning between producers and receivers of texts. 1.2 Objectivity/ Subjectivity S cann't eliminated and O can not achieved completely;Chapter two; ; The emergence of linguistics as a new discipline in the twentieth century brought a spirit of optimism to the pursuit of language study ,a feeling that the groundwork was at last being laid for a systematic and scientific approach to the description of language. Perhaps provide solutions to the kinds of language problems one obvious application of linguistics: develop a device for carrying out automatic translation;;Why earlier developments in linguistic theory were of reality little interest to translators ?; Chapter 3 Context in translating; Context and Translation;; ; ;;; Chapter 4-6 ; Semiotic dismension;Example; Chapter 7-8 ;4 contributions; The theory of Intertextuality transaltion absorbed Discourse Linguistics, Functional Linguistics, StructuralLinguistics,Psychological Linguistics, Pragmatics,Semiotics. The theory reflects Intertextuality.; Text, Genre, Discourse ; Chapter 9 Text Structure in translation; How context influences the struc


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