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;;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;;13;;15;16;17;18;;20;Control of atmosphere/ventilation/temperature 小气候/通风/温度的控制 Note: Prior to commencement of any abrasive blasting an equipment and hose arrangement plan to be submitted to owner’s superintendent for approval. 注意:在冲砂前,设备及其管路的布置图需送审。 Adequate dehumidification equipment (DH) is to be maintained at all times in the tanks during abrasive blasting, coating application and the curing of the coating until forced heat curing commencement. The DH shall be of sufficient capacity and proper installed to maintain the specified blasting standard, and to keep the relative humidity below 50% at all times.If the humidity level rises above 65% during the 1st coat spraying process for more than 12 hours,tanks are to be blasted and all coating be removed prior to reapplying MarineLine.Further, the volume of the DH air shall at all times exceed the volume of the extracted air in order to maintain a positive balance of air to prevent humid, raw unfiltered air from entering and contaminating the tank. 在冲砂、油漆和固化的过程中要始终确保足够的去湿机,直至强制热固化以前。去湿机必须 有足够功率并正确部署,能够使舱内相对湿度始终低于 50%。如果在施工第一度油漆期间湿 度超过 65%并持续时间超过 12 个小时的话,必须整舱冲砂至 Sa2.5 级,然后重新施工尤其。 此外,去湿机的进气量要始终大于风机的排气量,以维持舱内正压,防止潮湿的和未过滤的 空气进入舱内造成污染。 The equipment arrangement to be inspected and approved by owner’s superintendent before commencement of the tank coating operations. The equipment remain un-modified and fully functioning until completion and acceptance of all tank coating operations. 特涂施工开始前,设备的布置需经船东检查和认可。在特涂施工结束交验通过前不得更改设 备并且要确保设备有效运转。 Atmospheric conditions shall be measured and recorded by the builder every 3 hours in the tanks being worked, unless weather conditions dictate more frequent measurements. 在舱内的施工过程中,若天气条件不需要进行更频繁测量,船厂每 3 小时测量并记录一次小 气候条件。 DH volume capacity shall be 4 air changes per hour. During summer period, cooling type DH shall be used to ensure reasonable working conditions in the tanks and to ensure that max. over coating intervals can be prolonged as per temperatu


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