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英语试题卷 考生须知, 1.4试卷分试起岳和答超卷席分120分.考试时间120分嶺 答題ST,在答更准密封区内项耳学校、班换和姓2? 所冇菩峯必须写右答題袪匕写在试腿卷卜无效. 考试琳集,上交答題卷. 第1卷(共如分) 第一节:单坝填空C共20小怪每小題0.5分用分10分) 从A.BQ、D四个选项中?选出可以填入空白处的殖隹选项。 — I'll irpeal the atHrras; Nurnlmr IO? Saks 5th Avenue. Can you catch my idea- Got it' B? Iikrd it E? Made h D. Repeated it (Inrtrd NatwiiF <lirrvrtr Chringr Siminit 2(1)9 ua* ht'ld in Cfprnhtgrn? capctal of Dmurk. A; the B? The; the C. An; tlr D. The; *填 3 ? Badiara l(>4 her L?y JKain yf^enla . - T1yi1 ■ s her thiid timr in purt nnr? month. A. Dom si* B. 11m1 fkhp C. IIm 4w> D. Didahp Almost evej-otn i? I h.u jiu d wn ihf piM'e of housingIibcmmb itJa too high G)r liun. A. in favor of B. in char^ cf (2 ? in hwior of !>? in watcH nf IIijw I I (vmld 5|xiil my winter Ijolwlay in Rujvwii wiclimf the ke aculpturei! A. think B. want C. wish D. nniin Mm、pet屮lr hIn叫严 we an- hmlnig iiir nivuiMtinertal JiMi-iri vir IrL^icalh rluing* the H-ay wr live. A, but B, although U uaLma D. until ?? John uiten siltimI? pub!* IctIhm ;ti tlm UriYrtrsdy of {』nb"虹? niaiiilv 皿 Engluh. A. to unpiwe B. unp*iuvuig 仁.D. to have nnpmnxl 8. Dir dnvrr brpan to spew! lip k> for ihf hour hf'd in thf trafl ic |anw. A. k?>p up B. makp up C, takf up D. caicli up 9? The |)arh a gicat mmtejw. Ja k have aitnukxl it ? What a pity. A溪tit?:Bl灵(共I 2页) A. mildB. wouldC? A. mild B. would C? nwisl D. should k is said, dial tl)c Ixildinf; 2 d L a £?皿川、Erch li .1 h 1 1 ? Mm hx himh?止 d exrcllrii wtxk^ ihiu巧h川I th卍 moiM. A. nxl 如no hrautiful B ? ?tftnr l^aiitifiil iwi (:? brautifiil hm! rtonn D? iMButiful slow red A knr - cvImmi liftstsL? ri: n i-. 1 川 iiMMlcm hb? orh jh imnsportatioru hemp heat? ni£? hobday tmvd and 如 on. A. rAfllia^ R. cot^b C* ckrlaiM D. happ^rw 1】.“? v<?u khi* dcv4^1 youBwjf to is aue to one true. A. if B. wlio C? that D. what (biihl you jiease buy nir an \IP5 as w(41 as a (iigilal cai?^ra? daHy- — Y<m cmicIioijmf ? nol bdh? my dear. A. citlier B? any C. each D. flvrav — lielb! Sun June Hotel. Can I help jnu- Do you lu* a ihu


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