(人教版)九年级Unit4 Section B 2a-2e课件(共22张PPT)(优质课件).pptVIP

(人教版)九年级Unit4 Section B 2a-2e课件(共22张PPT)(优质课件).ppt

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Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answer. 1.Why did Li Wen became less interested in studying? ( ) A. He is a lazy boy. B. He wants to play outside. C. He felt lonely and unhappy. D. He doesn’t like to study. C * 课件在线 2.Which of the following is NOT Li Wen’s difficulties in school? ( ) A. He was absent from classes. B. He failed his examinations. C. He was shy. D. He had no friends in school. D * 课件在线 3. His parents took a ______and a ______ to get to Li’s school. ( ) A.24-hour bus, 5-hour train B. 24-hour train, 5-hour bus C. 24-hour train, 15-hour bus D. 24-hour bus, 15-hour train B * 课件在线 Para. 2 key points have an influence on sb./sth. 对某人/某事有影响 eg: Family education has an important influence _____ children. 2.be absent from… 缺席…… eg: Mr. Li _________________ (缺席) the meeting today. on was absent from * 课件在线 3. fail v. 不及格;失败;未能(做到) failure n. 失败 反义词:succeed v. 成功 pass v. (考试)及格;通过 用法:fail to do sth. 未能做某事 fail the exam 考试不及格 4. make a decision 做决定;下决心 make a decision to do sth. 决定做某事 =decide to do sth. * 课件在线 5.advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建议某人(不)做某事 eg: I advised my mother ______(see) the doctor. 6. in person 亲自;亲身 eg: she wants to open her present ___________. (亲自) to see in person * 课件在线 Read the last two paragraphs and then fill in the blanks. Past Now He felt ________ and ________. He was ____________ now, because he knew his parents __________________. He __________________ classes and _______ his examinations. He worked ___________ than he used to. He was _____ and was not be able to ____________ quickly in school. He became ___________ and _________________ _______ in school. lonely unhappy much happier were proud of him was absent from failed even harder shy make friends more outgoing make some good friends * 课件在线 Para. 3 key points 1. be always doing sth. 一直做某事 eg: He was always _______(ask) h



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