fun english contest趣味英语知识大赛 .pptxVIP

fun english contest趣味英语知识大赛 .pptx

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趣味英语竞赛; In this program, when I show the question, each group needs to grasp the opportunity to give the answer. The first to give the answer is the winner and can obtain 1 score. 在此环节中,当我把问题给出时,每组成员须抓准时机抢答,答对者加一分。;1. What’s too much for two and just right for one? ;2. 中号衣服的标志是 ?;3. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? 什么东西当它干净的时候是黑的,当它不干净的时候是白的? ;4. “ I know that from A to Z. ” means ---;5. What is the smallest bridge in the world? 世界上最小的桥梁是什么?;6. What will you break once you say it? 什么东西一说出来就打破?;7. What number can you take half and leave nothing? 哪个数字你拿掉一半,什么都没剩下? ;8. China Rose 是什么?; 9.有一种草叫“勿忘我”,文人常用它来描述相思与痴情。这种草的英语名字叫 ____ ;10. What is yours, but is used by others more than by yourself? ;11.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?;12. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西只升不降? ;13. 小偷最怕哪三个字母?;;计时 开始;计时 开始;计时 开始; Some Chinglish versions will be offered and the participants will give the right version. The first to give the answer is the winner and can obtain 1 score. 在此环节会先给中式英语的表达,然后各队组员可以给出正确的表达。抢答题,最快给出正确答案的获得一分。;Show Chinglish展示中式英语;Show Chinglish展示中式英语;Show Chinglish展示中式英语;Show Chinglish展示中式英语;Songs Guessing 英文歌曲猜猜猜;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Rules: Each group chooses a representative to read the tongue twisters fluently and quickly as well as accurately. The score of each tongue twister is based on its difficulty. The participants can choose the ones of any score and read three times. After that, the judge can comment on the performances and give scores. 规则:由每组选出一名队员选择屏幕上任意分值的绕口令,以最标准的发音最快的语速读完,读三遍。由评委根据队员的表现给出不高于本题分值的分数。;Easy 3分 ;3 points;3 points;3 points;4 points;4 points;4 points;5 points;5 points;5 points;6. I love remembering words---我爱背单词 ;计时 开始;计时 开始;计时 开始;计时 开始;7. Countries Guessing 猜国名 ;South Korea;Canada;France;Australia;Denmark;Russia;See You!;6. What will you break once you say it? 什么东西一说出来就打破?;10. What is yours, but is used by others more than by yourself? ;10. What


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