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过程装备专业英语全解; ; ; ; ; ;1、Problems For the future scientist / engineer/manager … , when and where can you use the STE ? The specialty of Scientific & Technical English (STE). As a student who has learned the English for many years, how can you use the STE freely?;2、Scientists and engineers are called upon to communicate in many different situations ;How well you communicate affects your career;3、Difference between STE & others ;3、Difference between STE & others ;3、Difference between STE & others ;3、Difference between STE & others ;3、Difference between STE & others ;3、Difference between STE & others ;Scientific writing differs from other kinds of writing;Purpose;4、How to learn & use STE? ; Writing ;Maria Goeppert Mayer;1、Translating Process; 2) 翻译阶段 粗译:在初步理解的基础上以段落或小节为单位将原文译成初稿,再重点解决疑难句子或段落。 精译:在全面了解全文的基础上,运用规范的汉语,完整准确地表达原文。精译时对选词、句子各部分的逻辑关系,语气的通顺,句子之间及段落之间的连贯与衔接等都应一一推敲,斟酌。精译后,再细读译文并根据汉语语法特点作一定的调整.;1、Translating Process;2、Construction of English glossary;1) Derivation; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 前缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀; 后缀;d) 副词后缀;2、Construction of English glossary;2、Construction of English glossary; 合成名词; 合成形容词; 合成动词;2、Construction of English glossary;2、Construction of English glossary;3) Conversion;3) Conversion;3、Transformation in Translating;3、Transformation in Translating; The ever-increasing use of pressure vessels has given special emphasis to analytical and experimental methods for determining their operating stresses。 压力容器的用途日益广泛,促使人们特别强调用理论计算和实验分析方法来确定容器的工作应力。; This is useful in evaluating the primary membrane stress and the secondary bending stress in vessels. 这有助于计算容器的一次薄膜应力和二次弯曲应力。; 转译成汉语名词 英语某些动词、形容词或形容词化的分词可译成汉语名词。 The book is intended to serve as an introduction to pressure vessel design for the student,a design basis for the practicing engineer. 本书的宗旨是向学生介绍压力容器设计入门知识,同时也为从事实际工作的工程师提供基础知识。; 转译成汉语名词 Therefore,the longitudinal stresses in a thin sphere subject to internal pressure may be to be equal to the longitudi


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