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优选资料 You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswera ble questions that pop up during job interviews 。 你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求 职面试的时候突然冒出来。 You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer. So what's a job seeker to do? 你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。那么,一个求职者应该 怎么做呢? The 'Future' Question 关于 “将来 ”的问题 Otherwise known as the "big picture" question, the futu re question goes something like this: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" 除了那些 “宏观的 ”问题之外,关于未来的问题总是像这样的: “你觉得五年后你会在什么位置上? ” The best tactic: Talk about your values 。 最好的策略:谈论你的价值观。 优选资料 Don't get too detailed about your specific career plan. Instead, discuss things that are important to you professio nally and how you plan to achieve them. If growth is a g oal, mention that. You can also talk about challenge, anot her value that employers prize in their employees 。 不要把你的职业规划说的太详细。取而代之的是,谈论一些 在职业方面对你很重要的事情以及你打算怎样实现这些。 如果成 长是一个目标,可以提一下。你还可以说说挑战,这是雇主在员 工身上很重视的一点。 The 'Salary' Question 关于 “薪水 ”的问题 Most  people  will tell you that  whoever  answers  this  qu estion  first  loses.  But that's  not necessarily  true 。 大多数人都会告诉你谁最先回答这个问题谁就输了。但也不 一定是真的。 When  an interviewer  asks  your  salary  requirement,  try first  to gently  deflect  the question  by inquiring  about  the  s alary  for the  position 。 优选资料 如果以为雇主问你待遇要求,首先试试打个擦边球,问问这 个职位的薪水是多少。 If the interviewer  presses  you  for a number,  give  a ra nge.  To decide  on a range,  think  about  the salary  you wa nt, your  salary  at your  most  recent  position  and  the  indust ry-standard  salary  for the  job 。 如果面试官一定让你说个数字,给个范围。决定这个数字的 时候,考虑一下你想要的薪水, 你最近一份工作的薪水以及这份 工作的普遍行情。 The bottom line: st important, so you  The salary question is one of the mo should prepare for it in advance and plan  what  to say 。 底线原则:薪水问题是最重要的问题之一,所以你应该事先 准备打算好要怎么回答。 The 'Why' Question 关于 “为什么 ”的问题 d you  need  to learn  it。 优选资料 在自负和自信之间有一条线,你需要知道这条线在哪。 When  an interviewer  asks  you 


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