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Module 8;Module 8 Time off;Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city ;Do you know something about Beihai Park?; 北海公园(Beihai Park),位于北京市中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与中海、南海合称三海。属于中国古代皇家园林。全园以北海为中心,面积约71公顷,水面占583市亩,陆地占480市亩。这里原是辽、金、元建离宫,明、清辟为帝王御苑,是中国现存最古老、最完整、最具综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一,1925年开放为公园。是中国保留下来的最悠久最完整的皇家园林,为中国全国重点文物保护单位,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。;Look and describe the pictures.;Look at the photo and listen. What is the conversation about?;Tony has/hasn’t heard about Beihai Park. Tony guesses that the park is very popular /not very popular. Linging suggests that they spend the day there/ Daming and Betty come too. Linging thinks/ doesn’t think the park will be busy.;sights n.[用复数] 风景; 名胜;at the top of 在……的顶端;Lingling is taking her friends Tony and Daming to Beihai Park. Listen and answer the questions.;1. Beihai Park is in the city centre. ( ) 2. The ancient buildings take up over half of the park area. ( ) 3. They don’t allow people to swim in the lake because it’s dangerous. ( ) ;1. Beihai Park is so ______ that you can even hear the birds singing. 2. The park is famous for its ______, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill. 3. The lake takes up _________ of the park area.;4. You can point out the ________ of Beijing from the top of the hill. 5. They do not allow people to swim ___________.;1. It’s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing! 这里安静得我甚至能听见鸟叫的声音。 so…that 引导结果状语从句, 意为“如此……, 以至于……”。 e.g. I was so tired that I slept in this chair. 我太累了, 在椅子上睡着了。;2. I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre. 我几乎不敢相信我们是在市中心。 hardly adv. 几乎不, 几乎没 e.g. I can hardly finish the work in a day. 我不可能一天内完成这项工作。 hard adv. 努力 e.g. You must work hard. 你必须努力工作。;3. The lake takes up over half of the park area. 湖占据了这个公园???半多的面积。 take up 表示“占去(时间或空间)”。 e.g. This desk takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。;4. Then I can


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