高中英语短文改错必会“两定之法”-快速提高改错个数 .pdfVIP

高中英语短文改错必会“两定之法”-快速提高改错个数 .pdf

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短文改错“两定之法” + 名词专题 Part1:短文改错 提高正确个数 必备点 ? 改错困境 1. 考点太多太乱记不住,怎么快速记住? 2. 知道考点,但是改不出来,考后恍然大悟,怎么办? 3. 看得懂,找出来的都是对的,但是找不全怎么办 ? ? 怎么办?必备技巧看这里 历年高考短文改错考察范围 第一:定位 前提 1: 前提 2 : 1 第二:定点 此处需要 记笔记!!! 速记考点:双黄连冠名,带动寡姐幸福 1)动词 3 大考点:谓语动词(时态语态 +主谓一致) 特别提醒: and 前后的时态是否一致 时态写题 2 个原则: (1). I hardly remember my grandmother. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs. (2) Play football is my favorite hobby. (3) It ’s a small island calling u” “Diaoy 2)名词单复数 +可数与不可数 2 必备常见不可数名词: 典例: ①Please give me some advices on how to deal with the matter. ① Both my parent miss you a lot. 练习: 1. After class we become stranger at once. 2. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 3. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. 3)代词的 3 个不一致 特别: a, an, this, that + 名词+of + 名词性物主代词。例如: a friend of mine, each brother of his. 典例 8.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 4 )连词 典例: 1. She is smiling at me but nodding at me. 2.The food was expensive and the service was good. 3.I came into the living room and saw one of them jus tgo through the kitchen door but turn on the light. 练习 (1) The more friends we have, the more we can learn from one another, but the more pleasure we can share together. (2) If you notice that someone is missing and hurt, tell your teacher immediately. 3 (3) A passenger realized he couldn ’t find his ticket but became quite upset. 5)形容词副词 ① 系动词后 +形容词 ② 形容词和副词互换(形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词、形容词、句子); ③ 级别



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