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写爬山的初中英语作文 爬山有益于我们的身体健康,我喜欢爬山。下面是为大家精心的关于写爬山的初中英语,希望能够帮助到你们。 A whim, one day, mother said: "my whole family to climb the mountain tomorrow?" Dad after listen to, smile. Looked at his placent smile, as if he is the winner. I defy spirit, "good!" I said not to be outdone. The next day, we prepared a hearty meal began climbing trip. Days has been bright, the branches of the birds in the chirp called, as encouraged us. Dashan like a big power and prestige of the giant, straight into the sky. I started to climb quickly, green trees and grass along the way like dashan's clothes; But Lou Lou white clouds like a turban; With flowing spring washs a face, with bright red sunglow do powder, smartened up the mountain. When I was immersed in the mountains, dad shoveled gasped, panted heavily as he said to me: "wait...... wait for me!" I smile, hum, who call you so cocky, just take you down a peg or two. For a while, my father caught me, smile to say: "ha ha, you fall for it! I mean to make you wait for me!" "You... you..." I'm not done yet, dad went to get ahead of me, good! You have to bring me have one! I find the mineral water, out of my backpack unscrewed the lid, sprinkle water on the face, pretend to cry. "Blare blare.... Dad... dad humiliate me!" Dad heard me crying, and full head big sweat ran back, hurriedly ask: "how? How do I?" Heard his footsteps ing, and the voice, I quickly: "ha ha, I'm not stupid, ginger or old spicy! Bye bye! Who told you not call me use this recruit! It's so good to climb the mountain! Mom already waiting for me in the mountains, she said will give me a surprise! 一天,妈妈突发奇想,说:“我们全家人明天去爬山怎么样?”爸爸听后,眉开眼笑。看着他得意忘形的笑容,好像注定他是胜利者。我不服气,“好!”我不甘示弱地说。 第二天,我们准备了丰盛的饭菜就开始了爬上之旅。天已经亮了,枝头上的小鸟在唧唧喳喳地叫个不停,像是在鼓励我们。 大山像个高大威风的巨人,直插云霄。我一开始爬得很快,一路上绿树和青草像大山的衣服;而娄娄白云宛如山的头巾;用流淌的清泉洗脸,用鲜红的朝霞做脂粉,山打扮得漂漂亮亮的。 当我还在沉浸在山中,爸爸大口大口喘着气,气喘吁吁地对我说:“等…等…等等我!”我偷笑着,哼哼,谁叫你那么趾高气扬,正好杀杀你的威风。一会儿,爸爸就赶上了我,眉开眼笑地说:“哈哈,你上当了!我故意让你等我的!”“你…你…”我还没说完,爸爸就赶到我的前面去了,好!你有招我也有招!


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