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。 编号: WHYYX8---020 文华高中高二英语选修 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity Period 3-4 Language Points 执笔人:潘凤仙 审核人: 编订日期: 2014.3.27 学习目标: 1. 能正确读写以下单词和短语: distinct majority hardship elect, percentage, boom , applicant, customs, occur, indicate, apparent brake, hire, justice, mourn, authority, reform, make a life, keep up, team up with, apply for, ,take in 等。 学会正确运用本部分的重点单词及短语,如: distinct, occur, indicate, apparent, percentage, majority, make a life, keep up, team up with, take in, apply for 等 学习重点:学会正确运用本部分的重点单词及短语,如: distinct, occur, percentage, majority, keep up, make a life, a good many, apply for 等 学习难点:学会分析理解长难句,如: 1. however, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities were be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture -可编辑修改 - 。 of many races and cultures. 学法指南:查字典,归纳法,举一反三 自学任务: 【自我检测】 Task 1 : Task 2 :结合课文完成下列知识点。 (识别级 )(务必会读会写! ,看看谁读得最快最准! ) 一. 词汇知识 1. distinct______________ 2.immigrant ________________ 3.majority ______________ 4. hardship_________________ 5. percentage____________ 6. occur___________________ 7. indicate______________ 8.apparent ________________ 9. authority______________ 10.reform ___________________ 二.. 重点短语 1. keep up _____________________ 2. make a life _____________________ 3. team up with ______________ 4. take in _________________ 5. a great many______________ 6. apply for_________________ 三. 词性转换 (理解级) 1.immigrate (v) 移入 -- ( )移民,移民入境( n ) -可编辑修改 - 。 -- ( )(从外国移入的)移民 2.social(adj) 社会的 --- ( )社会主义者, (n) ----( )社会主义( n ) 3.apparent (adi ) 显然的, 表面上的 ------- ( )显然地, 显而易见地 ( adv ) 4.punish (V) 惩罚 ---- ( ) 惩罚( n ) 5.distinct(adj) 清晰的,明确的 ------- ( ) 差别,区分 ( n ) Task3. 必背句型 (理解级) However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,可能至少在 15000 年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福利亚了。 2. People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s,


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