13.4 有意义的语法练习.pdf

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Grammar Practice • Mechanical practice • Meaningful practice Substitute the underlined part with the proper forms of the given words green lawn clean house pretty garden nice flowers Mrs. Green has the largest house in town. Change the following sentences into the past tense. Use the adverbs given in the brackets.  Now he lives in London. (last year, Paris)  We have English and maths today. ( yesterday, music and P.E.)  He usually gets up at seven. ( this morning, eight) Using picture prompts Using gestures as prompts Using information sheets as prompts Using Key phrases or key words as prompts Using chained phrases for story telling Using created situations Look at the table below. Rank the items on the left column according to the criteria listed on the top. Cheap Healthy Tasty Fattening Important Beer Water Fruit Cigarette Alcohol Milk Meaningful Practice - transformation drills Example: Module 1, page 59 ex. 6 Everyone in the office thought their boss was out for the day when suddenly he opened the door… The boss: What were they all doing when I opened the door? No. 1 was… No. 2… No. 3 … No.4 … The understanding of how to teach grammar is no less controversial than the value of grammar in language teaching. We believe that teaching grammar is necessary for foreign language learners and the three ways of teaching we introduced all have their merits and drawbacks. The best way is to vary methods according to our specific teaching objectives, teaching contents, students’age and needs, and our teaching and learning context.  Crysta


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