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知识就是力量英语作文大全 知识是一切力量的源泉,是文人骚客抒发豪情壮志的资本;是国家兴旺发达,以下是“知识就是力量英语”希望能够帮助的到您! Knowledge is wealth, and knowledge is omnipotent. Like Wang Chong, he believed that science, not superstitious, do not believe those who say they have neither learning nor skill, they believe in science. Once, Wang Chong heard a spread like this, said to be in the home of a woman, suddenly a night out five mythic fungus grass, some say hi drop auspicious thing in the world, is the emperor's Tivoli moved heaven, Wang Chong feel very funny, aording to his own knowledge and learn, field Master the material justice clearly correct said: "only the Ganoderma lucidum grass and other plants, as long as the soil and climate adaptation to their survival, he will grow out of it," he said: "the sky is ignorant, not because of the emperor and Youdao, just drop the Ganoderma lucidum grass." I must learn from Wang Chong, do a really knowledgeable people, don't be a rumor who have neither learning nor skill. Since the human being on the earth, knowledge will sprout in human wisdom, from ancient to contemporary rumaoyinxie high civilization, every society. It shows the great effect of knowledge. The progress of knowledge has promoted the development of history and promoted the civilization of mankind. Knowledge is power. At present, there is a popular saying in the world: to see whether a country or a nation is prosperous or prosperous depends on people's cultural knowledge level. I think this statement is justified. Even if a country is not rich enough for a while, but as long as its in ___igent people have knowledge of tradition, we can conclude that this country has a bright future. But if a nation is very rich, but to support a group of "acts, the results have neither learning nor skill" must be sad. It is bound to fade away. In the history of the Tang Dynasty, the prosperity of the "Kaiyuan flourishing world" was formed. In addition to the emperor's enlightened, the most important rea


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