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Just do it! PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 中考英语口语——朗读部分 题1   Not so many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers. Now they seem to be everywhere. There are also many hidden “computers” in your home, but you might be unaware of them. For example, there may be one inside your TV set, telephone or washing machine. You are more dependent on computers than you know. Computers are probably the best calculators in the world. They are faster at calculating than people, and they rarely give wrong answers. They can also type, print and draw things like diagrams and graphs. They can teach you many things and also play games with you. More importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships. For these reasons, we sometimes call them “electronic brains”. 题2 The soldier rushed down the stairs. “Captain, they’ve gone”, he cried. “All of them…” Before the soldier could finish, the captain of the guards quickly ran up the stairs. Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy, and looked down at the empty plain. “The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. Now they’ve gone and we’ve won!” he said. “But they’ve left their huge wooden horse outside the main gates,” the soldier said. “Well, it was too big for them to take with them. Pull it into the city now. It’s on wheels,” the captain ordered. “But why is it on wheels?” the soldier asked. “Maybe the Greeks want us to…”The captain interrupted him, “You’re a soldier. You have to obey orders. Move that horse, now!” The Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes. 题3   The first Olympic Games happened thousands of years ago in Greece. People started the Olympic Games to show respect to the gods. They would pray to their gods in the morning and then have the games in the afternoon. The first Olympic Games only lasted for one day! In modern times, the Olympic Games last for two weeks. Thousands of years ago, married women could not watch the games. Otherwise, they would be punished! Here is a stor


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