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小学英语.介词——学生版 Page PAGE \* Arabic 16 of NUMPAGES \* Arabic 17 小学英语.介词——学生版 Page PAGE \* Arabic 17 of NUMPAGES \* Arabic 17 P Preposition Pre-test Pre-test 用适合的介词填空。 1. The story took place __________ the night of Christmas Day. 2. Do you work Fridays? 3. She lay ___________ bed. 4. Please wait for her __________ the railway station. 5. The birds sat __________ the roof and then flew into the trees. 6. You shall be __________ duty tomorrow ___________8 __________12. 7. The teacher showed the foreign visitors our school. 8. There are some pictures __________ the wall. 9. There was a basketball match Class Two and Class Three on the playground. 10. She likes to travel plane 用所提供词语的正确形式填空。 1.Tom is interested in (watch) TV. 2.My mother is used to (go) for a walk after dinner in the park. 3.What about______ (go) swimming this afternoon? 4.Tina is good at _______(play)football. 5.My mother together with her friends is keen on ________(dance). Warming-up Warming-up 小朋友,考验一下你的眼力和表达能力! 喜洋洋在哪里? 灰太狼在哪里? 白云在哪里? 美羊羊在谁和谁之间? 懒羊羊在谁和谁之间? 相信聪明的你肯定已经找到了,也能够表达出以上问题的答案。 但是,如果用英语说你行吗? Grammar-focus Grammar-focus Part 1 表示时间常用的介词 表示时间常用的介词有at, in, after, until, before, during. 1. at at_______________________________________________,如:at seven, at a quarter to one; 也可用于固定搭配中,如:at noon, at night. 2. in in表示______________________________________________等。如:in the twenty-first century, in autumn 也可用于固定搭配中,泛指____________________________ ,如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening 还可以用于表示“从现在起多长时间之后或多久之后”的短语, 常用与一般将来时,可回答how soon的提问,如in two days (两天之后) Exercise 1 1. He will come here in ten minutes.(对划线部分提问) will he ? 2. Do you work Fridays? 3. Please wait for her __________ the railway station. 4. There are some pictures __________ the wall. 5. He will be back __________ two months. 3. on on主要用于________________________,如 on Monda


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