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业绩评估仅供部门经理使用 Employee: Hire Date: 职员姓名 受聘日期 mm/dd/yy Job Title: Dept.: Location: 职务 部门 工作城市 Length of Time in Current Position: 在现在职位上的工作时间 Date of last appraisal:上次业绩评估的日期 Date of last appraisal: 上次业绩评估的日期 mm/dd/yy Supervisor Name: 主管姓名 Date of this appraisal: 此次业绩评估的日期 mm/dd/yy Supervisor Title: 主管的职务 OVERALL RATING M C P S E1 总评等级(自评) □ □ □ □ □ 0.85 - 0.90 0.91 - 0.95 0.96 - 1.05 1.06 - 1.10 1.11 - 1.15 OVERALL RATING M C P S E 总评等级(行政总监评) □ □ □ □ □ 0.85 - 0.90 0.91 - 0.95 0.96 - 1.05 1.06 - 1.10 1.11 - 1.15 有待改进表现适中E = Exceptional 有待改进 表现适中 E = Exceptional 表现杰出 Note: M = Marginal C = Competent Performance Dimensions: 业绩项目: Score Providing Strategy and Direction 提供策略和方向 Valuing Others 重视他人 Managing For Results 注重结果 Empowering Others 授权他人 Teamwork 团队工作 Developing and Improving Performance Capability/Establishing and Maintaining Skills 发展和提高工作能力 Please refer to the following pages for the details of performance dimensions. 业绩项目详情请参阅后面的表格。 Providing Strategy and Direction 提供策略和方向 This scale refers to your effectiveness in motivating and guiding others toward future achievements. The desired result is an organisation that possesses a shared view of the future and is constantly realigning its efforts toward common goals. 本 表格指你在实现未来目标时激励和指引其他员工的成绩。期望的结果是整个组织对未来有共同目标并为此而努力。 A. Mark the appropriate box below that best describes how effectively the person performed on this dimension: 根据在本目标上的绩效,在合适的方框内打 / □ 0 □ 1 □ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □ 5 的贡献,甚至因采取不积极 的方式影响组织的发展。 Your performance doesn ' t fully meet job requirements. Your positive contributions on this dimension are limited. 士??2?能?? ?c?1OX+ 心 0 ?o, ? u ?' ? ?? ?? Q3? 0 D T 心 1 士?X 符合该职位的要求且有 一定贡献. Your performance is effective against the standards of the company. Your positive contributions on this dimension are evident. 士?? ?c?1???g ?±ex??£ ?o ?u ? ??? g??y?? 1 :?X e ??^?? g ? 表现超出公司的标 准,在此方面的贡献 是公认明显的 织中其他成员的榜样. B. Mark the appropriate box below that best describes how effectively the individual performed each of the eleme


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