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FreeDownloadPowerPoint.Com;Rapid carbon build-up 二氧化碳大量排放;Nature voices out . . . 大自然呼喊 . . . ;“…most climate scientists warn us the prospect ahead is alarming unless we act soon…” -BBC news dated 10 Jan 2005 ;Client’s Brief 設計綱要 : a Headquarters Building for the EMSD in city area with : - 在市區內的新機電工程署大樓包括 ; Ex - EMSD at Causeway Bay 原來的銅鑼灣機電工程署;Site Option 1 (方案一) : Vacant site in Chai Wan 柴灣市區的一幅空地;City Remains;The 3’R’s;Reuse 再用;The Old & The New; The ‘City Remains’- HACTL 2 棄置的舊二號機場貨運站大樓;TRANSFORMATION :;TRANSFORMATION :;The New EMSD Headquarters 功能分佈;The New EMSD Headquarters 功能分佈;Demolition 拆樓;;;Demolition Waste 拆卸廢料;Reduce Energy Load ;Environmental Facade 環保外牆;Deep Roof Canopy 簷蓬;Ventilated Double Layered Glass Wall 雙層玻璃牆  for thermal & noise insulation;Sun Shades & Perforated Panels 擋陽板及排孔板;Raised Floor with Air Diffusers 高架地台及出風口;Natural Cross Ventilation 空氣對流;Green Roofs 屋頂綠化;Sunpipes 太陽採光導管   Reflective tubes bring light into a deep plan building;Skylight  天窗 ;Motion & Daylight Sensors 移動及日光感應器 ;Ice Maker 製冰機 ;Ice Tanks 儲冰槽 ;Ammonia Chillers 「氨」水冷式製冷機 ;Infra-red System & Electric Heater Units for Paint Booths ;Waste Management System 廢料管理系統;Renewable Energy = further Reduction of CO2;To supplement the air conditioning system ;Photovoltaic Panels 太陽能光伏板 ;Grey Water Recycling System 廢水回收循環再用系統 ;Education Path 「教育徑」 ;EDUCATE THE PUBLIC … beyond client’s brief 教育公眾 . . . 義不容辭;;Rebirth 重生;Photo Tour 影集; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;Sustainability technologies in the EMSD HQ are available in the market for adoption in any suitable buildings. 簡單技術 They can be well integrated with Architecture. 可融入建築設計 This is equally possible in any other buildings, both in private and public sectors. 適用於任何工程 ;. . . . . . . . . . . we care;



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