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短文填空解题技巧 姓名: 班级: 座号: 解题技巧一:动词变形 解题技巧: 如何确定是谓语还是非谓语 ⑴ He born in 1785 in Fujian Provinee. It him a mon th to collect the opium(鸦片)from the foreig n traders. The market wasn ' t too far away, so they a bus to the market. In May ,1918, Lu Xun used his pen name for the first time and published the first short story A madmah s diary . He wan ted to find someth ing to but failed. There was n ' t any thi ng in the fridge. 动词作谓语时注意其时态与语态(被动)的形式变化 The compa ny says the watch can be in differe nt ways. It is difficult for childre n un der eight to remember what to do at certa in. The smart watch is to help them. At the same time , we can see how seriously the water is . There isn ' t eno ugh clea n water for people to drink. 所添动词作非谓语动词时三种基本形式 (do, doing ,done):与前一个动词要搭配一致。 Every runner ran as fast as he could , and I tried my best to run faster. I could hear my classmates and teachers cheering for me. It made me with en ergy and I ran faster and faster. On weekdays, he has to at least three hours finishing his homework every day. 解题技巧二:修饰限定(组词)一一形容词、副词、限定词、代词在短文填空中应用 解题技巧: 判断考点t想基础知识 1. Whenhe grew up, he was 数名词前有 修饰) Xun was not only a short story writer, an editor, but also a tran slator and a poet. People all over the world love works. was the hard-work ing in the compa ny. improve my grammar, I liste n to the teacher (修饰动词常用-ly副词) was so because I won the first prize for myclass. 【系 (be/feel/seem/sound 等) +表 (adj )】 is as long as you try your best to do it. holidays comes, thousands of Chinese people will want to relax . (搭配:relax on eself . no foreig ners will official in13 provinee for more than 40 years.(可 (名词前还可以有 (形容词的 级) and take no tes in class. .) (系+表) travel to other countries. They 用反身代词代替on eself ) look down upon us.(副词 in all, if we are polite 修饰形容词) we lear n a foreig n Ian guage , we should read as 原级+as) tell children it is time for to do some everyday activities like teeth, feed ing the cat, watch ing the flowers and gett ing ready for school. 型


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