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Unit9 、短语练习(11分) ( ) 1、吹笛子 A、 kick the shuttlecock ( ) 2、买东西 B、 do the dishes ( ) 3、学表演 C、 play badm inton ( ) 4、去野餐 D、 lear n to act ( ) 5、洗碗 E、 go shopp ing ( ) 6、制作航模 F、 go to the drama club ( ) 7、参加校乐队 G、 go for a pic nic ( ) 8、打羽毛球 H、 make a model pla ne ( ) 9、去滚轴溜冰 1、go roller-skating ( ) 10、参加戏剧社 J play the flute ( ) 11、踢毽子 K、 play in the school band 、 完成下面单词,选出正确的序号 ( 9分) ( ) 1、nev A、 or B、 er C ir ( ) 2、on e A、 a B c C、i ( ) 3、tw A、 ice B、 ece C oce ( ) 4、 ften A、 e B、 o C a ( ) 5、 v ryday A、 e,e B、 i,i C、e,o ( ) 6、p_cn _c A、 i,e B、 i,o C、i,i ( ) 7、fl _te A、 a B、 o C、u ( ) 8、shuttlec ck A 、i B、o C、a ( ) 9、dr_m _ A 、a,e B、 a,r C、a,a 三、 选出不同类的单词(5分) ( ) 1、A、go roller-skating B、go swimming C、read books ( ) 2、A、twice B、three times C never ( ) 3、A、do the dishes B、play the flute C drama club ( ) 4、A、weekend B、i make a model pla ne C、play in the school band ( ) 5、A、go for a picnic B、a shuttlecock C、learn to act 四、对号入座(5分) ( )1、 What do you do on the weeke nd A、 I study music at a special school . ( )2、 Do you ofte n go out on Saturdays B、 I ofte n kick a shuttlecock . ( )3、 Where do you study music C、 He plays in the school band after school ( )4、 What does he do after school D、 Twice a week . ( )5、 How ofte n does she visit gran dpare nts E、Yes, I do . 5、do, I, dishes, the, often (.)五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号( 5、do, I, dishes, the, often (.) 1、sports, often, I, play (.) 2、 2、 do, sister, what, your, does () 6、every, watches, she, TV, day (.) 3、to, library, go, the, I (.)7 3、to, library, go, the, I (.) 8、win ter, the, is, Lily (.)4 8、win ter, the, is, Lily (.) 六、排序(6分) ( ) Do you often play badminton there ( )What do you do after school ( )Four times a week. ( )Not so once a week. ( )I often go to the gym. ( )How often do you go there playi nghave a七、阅读直通车,判断句子正( 门误(F) (5 playi ng have a I'm like ofte n go to my pia no less on on Saturday times I play sports Saturday like running and sister Mary likes weeke nds, ofte n goes shopp ing with my mother. Sometimes she goes


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