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只接动名词的动词 只接动名词的动词 常用13个:memespckafida妹妹是不吃咖啡的 (mind; escape; mind; enjoy; suggest; practice; consider; keep; avoid; finish; imag ine; delay; advise) 更多只接动名词的动词即动词词组 miss 失去,mind 介意,enjoy 喜欢,give up 放弃,finish 完成,avoid 避免,practise 实践,escape 逃跑,stop 停止,excuse 原谅,delay 耽误,require 要求,suggest 建议, insist on 坚持,can ' t help 禁不住,complete 完成 , deny 否认,put off 推迟,favor 赞成,支持,understand 明白,risk 冒险,keep 保持,consider 考虑,imagine 想象、 猜想,fear 害怕,include 包括,suffer 痛苦、遭受,report 报告,celebrate 庆祝 prevent 阻止。等。 有些动词后面即可接-ing又可接不定式 即 permit, allow, encourage, advise, recommend, forbid 等一般用动词 -ing 结构做宾 语,但如有自己逻辑主语时要用不定式。 .don ' t allow smokingin the auditorium. 礼堂内禁止吸烟。 doctor advised taki ng exercise. 医生劝告要参加锻炼。 don' t permit talk ing in class. 我们不允许在课堂上讲话。 forbid parki ng here. 这儿禁止停车。 permitted me to arrive late, with an excuse. 说明了理由,他允许我来晚了。 teacher forbids us to talk in class. 老师允许我们上课讲话。 Two: I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw meand came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。 2.1 am con sideri ng going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。 I am sorry I missed see ing you while you especially visited me to my home. 真对不起,你专程来我家拜访机时我却不在。 Carlos just missed bei ng caught.卡罗斯恰好没被抓住。 You certainly mustn ' t miss seeing this wonderful film. 你当然不应错过这个精 彩的电影。 It ' s a pity that I missed listening to the report. 真遗憾我没听到那个报告。 Would you mind my opening the window? 我打开窗子你介意吗? He didn ' t mind being made fun of. 别人拿他取笑他不在乎。 I don ' t mind traveling by bus, but I hate to stand (standing) in queues. 乘 公共汽车旅行也可,只是我不愿排队。 We don ' t mind his explaining the problem again. 我们不在意他又把那问题解释 了一遍。 I have enjoyed talki ng to you about old times. 我很高兴曾和你叙旧。 I enjoy going for a walk after supper. 我特别愿意晚饭后去散步。 You ' d better give up smoking . 你最好戒烟。 14. I want to give up working15. 14. I want to give up working 15. Have you finished correcting 16. I haven ' t finished doing 她每天都练习说英语。the students ' papers? 人批改完学生的论文了吗? the exercise. 这个练习我还没有做完。 她每天都练习说英语。 练习把舌尖入在She practices speaking English every day. 练习把舌尖入在


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