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learnt about(in clud ingreplay ing, formu laic learnt about (in clud ing replay ing, formu laic Module 4 The n atural eleme nts Unit 3 Water Festival i Lan guage focus: Using conn ectives to express alter natives .They have either a hot drink or a cold drink. Using adverbs/adverbials to express additi on .Class, you' ve not only learnt how make delicious drinks, you' ve also the three forms of water. Lan guage skills: Liste ning Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements approval and disapproval), comma nds, and resp ond appropriately. Liste n for specific in formati on Understand the speaker ' s intention, attitude and feelings through his/her choice and use of Ian guage, gestures and facial expressi on Speak ing Open an in teracti on by elicit ing a resp onse Maintain an in teract ion by ack no wledg ing, agree ing or disagree ing, asking questions, adding or giving examples, explaining and using expressi ons where appropriate. Maintain an in teract ion by ask ing and responding to others ' opinions. Read ing Read writte n Ian guage in meanin gful chu nks Use visual clues, con text and kno wledge of the world to work out the mea ning of an unknown word and a complete expressi on Recog nize recurre nt patter ns in Ian guage structure Writing Gather and share information, ideas and Ianguage by using strategies such as brain storm in g, list ing, questi oning, and in terview ing. Develop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and Ianguage features when writing non-narrative texts. Materials: Student ' s Book 7B pages 76 and 77 Cassette 7B and a cassette player Photocopiable page 72. Recipes for differe nt hot and cold drin ks. Preparatio n: Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 72 for each pair. Pre-task preparati on Lan guage lear ning activity (This section aims at providi ng stude nts with opport un ities to practise the Ian guage/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the backgro und for the task that


yilinshanzhuang + 关注


