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阅读理解填词专题 五、阅读理解填词(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。 The BBC recently reported a rise in the use of British English in the US. Words like “cheers”, meaning “thank you”, and “mate”, meaning “friend”, are becoming popular. No one knows h 51 this has happened, although the success of British films like Harry Potter may have something to do with it. British English and American English are a little different. The two are the s 52 in grammar but different in the way they pronounce and spell some words. Americans pronounce words like car, better and sweater with an /er/ at the e 53 while British say these words with an /e/. The British way of spelling “color” is “colour” and they write “favorite” a 54 “favourite”. English is the most spoken l 55 in the world because of the British Empire. Its colonies (殖民地) o 56 covered 25 percent of the planet. In some parts of the US, people really like the British accent (口音). The British actor Hugh Grant, with his British accent, was very s 57 in Hollywood. His accent is very popular, and Americans often think British accents s 58 very elegant (优雅的). Maybe this has something to do with the Queen. Don’t w 59 about the difference between British and American English. When you have exams, it is fine to use the English that you learned f 60 your textbooks. The differences are not so important. 【答案】 51. how 52. same 53. end 54. as 55. language 56. once 57. successful 58. sound 59. worry 60. from 【解析】 【文章大意】 这篇短文主语讲述了在美国英式英语变得流行起来,文中讲述了英式英语和美式英语的不同。 51. 句意:没有人知道这是怎么发生的,尽管像《哈利波特》这样的英国电影的成功可能与此有关。根据下文although the success of British films like Harry Potter may have something to do with it.可知这里是说没有人知道是怎样发生的。故填how。 52. 句意:这两个词在语法上是相同的,但在发音和拼写某些单词的方式上是不同的。根据上文British English and American English are a little different.可知下文是说相同的。根据题意,故填same。 53. 句意:美国人用“car”、“better”和“threater”用 /er/这样的词发音,而英国人用“/e/”来发音。end的意思是“结尾”,根据题意,故填end。 54. 句意:英国人拼写color”是“colour,他们把“favorite”写成“favouri


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