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乘务员自我介绍英语优秀范文 乘务员是在公共交通工具上为乘客提供服务的工作人员,所以乘务员必须会英语和国语,给大家分享一下英文的,一起来学习看看吧 各位评委你们好,我叫XX,青岛,我的特长是声乐、钢琴。20xx年参加过在北京举行的首届中国民航航空院校学员推介展示会,并且获得了航空知识问答银奖、服务技能银奖,在才艺展示中以一首钢琴谈唱《友谊地久天长》获得在长评委和观众的好评,因为父亲是一名部队飞行员,所以在部队里张大的我,从小就有一种军人的素质和工作作风。我相信,我会以我教好的服务意识,继续为东航保持良好的服务形象,谢谢。 英文版 Good morning everyone,my name is XX,and my english name is XX. Iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/XX) . I have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday! I have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.I have lend so much from them. when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airlines),nice meeting you again. thank you ! Dear Judge: I was contestant number ** ** *** I e from. Central Plains since ancient times more talented, talented people on this land, such as the emergence of a favored Portland Air pilot Li Jianying like. Now, in a ** in the three years I have been excellent education, though not like Li Jianying as Eagle aircraft fighting the sky, you can order the skies chest unquenchable desire to live up to my 1 meter 68 tall, not live handsome, dignified manner, very friendly face, I hope that through their own efforts to bee a flight attendant, in the blue sky, the universe Yunjuanyunshu Yang Guan, overlooking the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland. Flight attendants, silly girl has been a mere dream, beautiful, romantic, and clouds as partners, angel on the blue sky, is my understanding of it. Perhaps I am not as beautiful as an angel, but I would heartily to the passenger first, the passenger is my angel. I care about other people's feelings, she leaned over, learn to listen, to learn to municate, learn to serve, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fl


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