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高中英语(外研版)必修3-Module-6教学课件:Language-points(共27张PPT);联想拓展 date vt. 注明日期于(信件等);约会;与……谈恋爱 Make sure you have signed your name and dated the letter. 确保你签了名并在信上注明了日期。 Rose has been dating Simon for several months. 罗斯已和西蒙恋爱几个月了。 date n.日期;约会 out of date 过时的;废弃的 to date 迄今为止;到目前为止 up to date 最新式的 dated adj.过时的;陈旧的;2. accommodate vt. 容纳。主语往往是room, building, vehicle等。 The hall can only accommodate up to 200 people. 这个大厅只能容纳200人。 That hotel can only accommodate 50 guests. 那个宾馆仅可为50名客人提供住宿。;常用结构: accommodate vt.&vi.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);帮忙,给……提供方便;适应 accommodate (oneself) to 使(某人)适应于 accommodate sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 He will accommodate me with the use of his house while he is abroad. 在他出国期间,他将让我使用他的房子。 Each of the students needs to accommodate to the new schedule quickly. 每个学生需要迅速适应新的时间表。;联想拓展 accommodation n.住所,住宿,膳宿 It’s hard to find accommodations at a hotel during the Golden Week Holidays. 在黄金周期间,很难在宾馆找到房间。;3. remove vt.移动,搬开;消除;去掉;使离开 vi.迁移;搬家 常用结构: remove ... from 把……从……移去/去掉/开除 The new cleaner removed the stains from my coat. 新的清洁剂除掉了我外套上的污点。 He was removed from school for playing truant too often. 他因逃学太多被开除了。 The governor was removed from office.那位州长被免职了。;易混辨析 move/remove move 作“移动”解时,强调位置和姿态的改变。 remove作“移动”解时,强调完全放弃原来的地方而达到新的位置,还含有把不利的东西“除掉”的意思。有时相当于take away/off。表示“迁居”时,两者均可用。 Don’t move or I’ll shoot.不要动,否则我就开枪了。 Can you remove the dishes? 你能拿走这些餐具吗?;4. crash v.碰撞;坠毁,飞机失事;(计算机)死机 n.碰撞;坠落;撞击声;爆炸声 常用结构: with a crash 轰隆(哗啦,咔嚓)一声 crash into/through 把……撞碎;撞到(进)??… go crashing into 冲进…… The plane crashed into the skyscraper on Sept. 11. 9月11号那天,飞机轰然撞到摩天大楼上。;The car hit the tree with a crash, causing two deaths and one injury. 汽车轰隆一声撞到树上,导致两死一伤。 The system crashed at nine this morning, so we haven’t been able to do anything. 今天上午9点,系统瘫痪了,因此我们什么也做不了了。 He lost his balance on the ice and went crashing into the crowd. 他在冰上失去了平衡,撞入了人群中。 ;重点短语 5. hold back 阻挡,阻止;抑制(感情等);隐瞒;犹豫不决 She couldn’t hold back her tears when she heard the news. 当听到这则新闻的时候她无法抑制自己的泪水。 I think he’s holding


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