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2018-2019学年山东省淄博市万杰朝阳学校高二英语下学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. Helen had to shout ______ above the sound of the running machine. A. making herself hear?????????? ????????B. to make herself hear?? C. making herself heard??????????? ??????D. to make herself heard 参考答案: D 略 2. The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has ______ all over the country. A.companies? ???????????????????????????????? B.branches C.organizations? ??????????????????????????? ???????? D.businesses 参考答案: B branch由“树枝”引申为“分支机构”。句意:这家银行总部在北京,但它的支行遍及全国。company“公司”;organization“组织”;business“生意”。 3. -Do you think we should accept that offer? -Yes, we should, for we????? such had luck up till now, and time???? out. A.have had;is running????????????????????????????????????????????? B.had;is running C.have;has been run???????????????????????????????????????????????? D.have had;has been run 参考答案: A 4. T has begun selling tickets online for international flights, ______ to cut? the market share of C and other competitors. A. to aim B. having aimed C. aiming D. being aimed 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查现在分词做状语:句意:淘宝网在网上销售了国际航班的票,旨在减少携程网和其他竞争者的市场份额。Aim to do旨在做…,这里用现在分词做状语,选C。 考点:考查现在分词做状语 5. Li Lei doesn’t sing ________ Mary. A as good as?? B as better as?? C so well as?? D the best 参考答案: C so(as) well as修饰动词sing。 6. With a lot of difficult problems ______, the young secretary felt like a cat on hot bricks. A. settled B. to be settled?? C. being settled? D. to settle 参考答案: D 【知识拓展】 动词不定式做定语的知识. 1、动词不定式做定语,肯定是后置的;2、动词不定式做定语,该动词与被修饰的词之间,主要有几种关系:(1) 主谓关系:We must find a person to help us.(to help 的形式主语是a person) (2)动宾关系:He has a lot of books to read.( to read 的形式宾语是books)(3)动状关系:Please give me a pen to write with.(pen 是to write的状语,此处往往需加介词)(4)无主谓、动宾、动状关系的:There‘s no need to send for a doctor. 7. How I wish there_________no homework and exams in the world! ?????? A. has????? ??????????? B. were??? C. will be???? ?????????? D. had 参考答案: B 8. —As an old saying goes: “Opportunities favor the prepared mind.” —Perfectly! Now _


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