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高三保护环境的英语作文(带翻译) Everybody is responsible for protecting the environment, but in real life, often someone will not ply with this important environment, they often littering, spitting, quality and poor people will still defecate indiscriminately. However, we don't young pioneers in this way, we want to put an end to these bad habits, and destroy them all. Now, in a lot of greening the ground will have some clues in the form of brand like this: "it is forbidden to practice (on) on the lawn", but these clues than those rich appeal, and impressive clues is a little stiff, rich taste, and can move the clues, like: "don't step on me, I'm afraid of pain!" , "in addition to what also don't take away the memory, don't leave nothing but footprints!" "The grass there is life, the first step for 'green'". They has distinguishing feature very much, also very attractive; Resistance is euphemistic and person aftertaste. I often see on television, many public service ads are saying: everyone as long as we open a window, the world will be more bright. Today is the Shanghai environmental clean-up day a day a month, two dozen of Shanghai government cadres to work together to protect our environment; The edge of the road, volunteers in picking up trash, pick up a cigarette first, visible from Shanghai how love Labour, love how clean and how love and health! I sincerely hope that our shaoxing people also want to so love labor! Let us together for the sake of the environment, to act together! 保护环境人人有责,但是在现实生活中,却往往有人会不遵守这条重要的环境,他们经常会乱扔垃圾、随地吐痰,素质再差一点儿的人还会随地大小便。可是,我们少先队员不会这样,我们要杜绝这些坏习惯,把他们全都消灭掉。 现在,在许许多多的绿化地上都会插有这样形式的一些提示语牌子:“严禁践(踩)踏草坪”,只不过这些提示语比起那些富有情趣,又能打动人的提示语比较生硬一点儿,那些富有情趣的,又能打动人的提示语,就像:“别踩我,我怕疼!”、“ 除了记忆什么也别带走,除了脚印什么也别留下!” “小草有生命,足下多留‘青’”。它们就很有特色,也很吸引人;既委婉含蓄,又耐人回味。 我常常在电视上看到,许许多多的公益广告都在说:只要我们每个人都打开一扇窗,世界将会变得更加明亮。 今天,是上海每月一日的环境清洁日,上海二十多名机关干部们携手保护环境;马路边上,志愿者们在捡垃圾,捡香烟头等,可见上海人有多么热爱劳动,有多么爱清洁,多么爱卫生啊! 我真心地希望,我们绍兴县的人也要那么地热爱劳动啊!让我们一起为了环境而努力,一起去付出行动吧! Everybody is


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