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新高考读后续写的探索与实践;;01;内涵解读;选材特点; 读后续写的考察目标; 读后续写的评分标准; 读后续写的评分标准;读后续写的满分技巧;读后续写的具体步骤;读后续写的具体步骤;;1;1;1.3 视频文本 探究层次;Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world. He is the most handsome, the smartest, the most clever, the kindest He is my superman . Daddy wants me to do well at school Daddy is just great but he lies He lies about having a job He lies about having money He lies that he is not tired He lies that he is not hungry He lies that we have everything He lies about his happiness He lies because of me;1.4 真题解读 明悉内容;记叙文阅读理解能力;解题模式的初步建构 ;02;基本学情;2.1 细化方法的重复训练 ;2.1.1 如何提炼文本的主题?;标题定位;核心事件与核心人物 ;;主题句归纳 ;2.1.2 如何分析文章情节?;;利用时间连续体;利用行为连续体;;;2.2 句子结构的润色训练 ;2.3 主谓推进的衔接训练;Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world. He is the most handsome, the smartest, the most clever, the kindest He is my superman . Daddy wants me to do well at school Daddy is just great but he lies He lies about having a job He lies about having money He lies that he is not tired He lies that he is not hungry He lies that we have everything He lies about his happiness He lies because of me;分析原文写作风格;仿句:Having picked up the money raised for the charity ; he had been doing several part-time jobs to support his family.;1.I felt cold sweat in my hands and thousands of ants crawling through my heart (伍浩然) 2. Oh, my God, this is the first time I ride my bike. Do I want to brake the front brake or the back brake? Do I go left to avoid or right to avoid? (何俊华) ? ;Her mouth was wide open, her eyes were like stars and her eyebrows lifted up, which could not hide her excitement and surprise?(黄钰婷) 2. Her eyes twinkled with excitement. And her mouth opened widely to express how happy she was. Her heart was brimming over happiness(李以露) ;2.6 篇章结构的专题训练;2.7 升华策略的专题训练;2.8 文学阅读的尝试训练;2.9 优秀作品的公开展示;;03;相关 书籍;相关 APP;;珠海市实验中学 张格茜Gracie 衔接第四步---提出要求(衔接/内容/语言/连贯)---输入5个细节描写材料---学生写作---学生自我评价---教师示范评价----学生互评;;PPT模板下载:/moban/ 行业PPT模板:/hangye/ 节日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT素材下载:/sucai/ PPT背景图片:/beijing/ PPT图表下载:/t


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