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® ACCESSNET -T IP DIB-R5 compact Digital Integrated Base Station Technical Data © 2015 Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH 90DIBR5compactTD02 - 1.2 DIB-R5 compact Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH Fritz-Hahne-Straße 7 31848 Bad Münder Germany Telephone: +49 (0)5042 / 998-0 Fax: +49 (0)5042 / 998-105 E-mail: info@hytera.de Internet: Read the instructions thoroughly prior to performing any tasks! Keep these instructions for reference. Subject to change without notice. Data without tolerance limits is not binding. ACCESSNET is a registered trademark of Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH. HYT and Hytera are registered trade- marks of Hytera Communications Corporation Limited. 2 Technical Data 90DIBR5compactTD02 - 1.2 DIB-R5 compact Product description 1 Product description The DIB-R5 base station family is a constituent of the TETRA mobile radio system ACCESSNET-T IP and ensures the powerful and reliable mobile radio coverage of a spe- cific area. Pioneering TETRA Release 2 support, particularly the TEDS technology (TETRA Enhanced Data Service), render the DIB-R5 extremely attractive for all scenarios in which a high degree of availability as well as high-speed data are absolutely neces- sary. The TEDS data transmission allows transferring up to 150 kbit/s (gross bit rate) securely and reliably via the air interface. Figure 1: DIB-R5 family


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