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建设工程委托监理合同(中英文) con tractregistrati on no: 合 同 登 记 号: supervisi on con tract for con structi on project建设工程委托监理合同 project n ame: 工程项目名称: en trustor (clie nt): 委托方: (业主) service provider: sha nghai tongji project man ageme nt (supervisor) and con suit ing co. ltd. 服务方: (监理人) place of sig ning: 签订地点: date of sig ning: 签订时间: valid period: 有效日期: sha nghai, P. r. chi na 中国,上海 —年 月 日 supervisi on con tract for constructionproject建设工程委托监理合同 part iagreement 第一部分 建设工程委托监理合同 this agreeme nt is sig ned betwee n (here in after referred to as theclie nt) and sha nghai ton gjiproject man ageme nt i. i. i. i. and con suit ing co. ltd. (here in after referred toas the supervisor) through mutual con sultati on.委托人 与监理人 经过双方协商一致,签订本合同. brief in formatio n of the project for which the clie nt desires thosesupervisi on services should be performed by the supervisor (hereinafterreferred to as the project) is as follows:委托人委托监理人监理的工程(以下简称本工程)概况如下: project n ame: 工程名称: 908新基地建设项目 projectlocatio n: 工程地点: b04地块 b04地块 project size: about 52 m2工程规模: 约 52 m2 totali nv estme nt: about yua n rmb总投资: 万元人民币 ii. in this agreeme nt words shall have the same meanings as areassig ned to them in part ii of this supervisi on con tract (here in after referredto as “ the con tract ”) sta ndard 标准条件 标准条件 中赋予它 们的定义相同. iii. the followi ng docume nts shall be deemed to form part of thisagreeme nt:下列文件均为本合同的组成部分 (1) this agreement;此协议书; iv. iv. sta ndard con diti ons of the con tract;本合同标准条件;(条款))⑶ con diti ons of particular application;本合同专用条件;( 条款) ⑷ suppleme ntary docume nts and ame ndme nts joi ntly sig ned by the twoparties duri ng the e ecution of the con tract.在实施过程中双方共同签署的补充与修正文件. ⑸ 监理人在报价时确定的的拟派现场监理人员名单和现场监理人员进场计划 作为本合同附件。 in con siderati on of the payme nt to be made by the clie nt to thesupervisor as here in after V. V. men tio ned, the supervisor hereby cove nants with theclie nt to perform supervisi on services in the scope as stated in the con diti on sof particular applicatio n in c



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