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Unit 1 课时跟踪练(二) Warming Up & Reading — Language Points 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The majority (大多数) of students are against the bicycle trip. 2 .We elected (选举) James chairman, for he is hard-working and responsible. 3 .We have only a small percentage (百分率) of foreign books. 4 .The most popular means (方式) of transportation are bikes and buses. 5 .(2017·江苏高考)In the north of India, th population is booming (处于迅速发展时期) due to high birth rates. 6 .There is a distinct (明显的) possibility that she'll be your teacher next term. 7 .This would cause great hardship (困苦) and suffering. 8.He has devoted himself to fighting for racial (种族的) equality. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.It's likely the conference will be put off because of the weather.likely后加that 2 .They tried all means, which possibly is helpful, but unfortunately not a means has worked so far.is→ar 3 .They all elected him the president of the Department.去掉president 前的th 4 .Those who favour the proposal are in majority.majority 前加th 或a 5 .Tom was very lazy.That was because he never achieved anything in his life.becaus →why 6 .Where I disagr with you lies in you have said disagr s with what you have done.in 后 加what 7 .Tobacco contains a larg percent of nicotine, so smoking faces great opposition in China.percent→percentag 8.It is honorable to make life with your hands while depending on others is a shame.lif 前 加a Ⅲ.选词填空 by means of, live on, in the majority, k p up , make a lif , be distinct from 1.In this club, young women members are in_the_majority,_so men have not much right to decide on things. 2 .You can't live_on 200 calories a day, or you will be starved to death in a long time. 3 .We are very anxious to k p_up the reputation of the firm. 4 .Many young people are going to big cities to make_a_life


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