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商务英语专业本科培养方案(终稿) 商务英语专业本科培养方案 Undergraduate Program for Business English Major 一、培养目标 I. Educational Objectives 本专业培养具有扎实的英语基本功、宽阔的国际视 、专门的国际商务知识与技能,掌握应用语言学、 应用经济学、工商管理学和国际商法等学科相关知识和理论,了解国际商务活动规则,具备较强的跨文化 商务交际能力与较高的人文素养,能参与国际商务竞争与合作的应用型、复合型商务英语专业人才。 Business English Major is designed to cultivate students to be competent and knowledgeable in English language and international business affairs. The required theories and knowledge are in the fields of Applied Linguistics, Applied Economy, Management and Business Laws. The courses are designed to develop students’ proficient social communication skills and excellent ethical and aesthetical qualities. Graduates are likely to find jobs in enterprises or organizations dealing with international trade and other business affairs. 二、培养要求及特色 II. Requirement and Features 本专业学生主要接受全面的英语技能训练,了解英语国家基本概况,掌握应用经济学、工商管理学和 国际商法等相关学科的基本理论和知识,接受跨学科和跨文化思维能力训练,具有国际视 、熟悉中外文 化和对外交往礼仪,具备按国际惯例从事商务活动的能力,具备良好的政治思想素质、较强的创新意识和 一定的创新能力,能适应经贸、管理、金融、外事等领域各类工作岗位,并具备进一步学习研究的坚实基 础。 This program aims to 1.help students to acquire basic theories and knowledge in in Applied Linguistics, Applied Economy, Management and Business Laws; 2.develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading ,writing and translation; 3.equip students’ with excellent ethical and aesthetical qualities; 4.raise student’s awareness of inter-discipline and cross-cultural communication; 5.prepare students’ with a good psychological character and a strong sense of innovation; 6.enable students’ to be competent in finding jobs in international trade, management, finance, foreign affairs and other sectors and 7.lay a solid foundation for students to pursue their further study. 第 1 页第 1 页第 1


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