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大学英语自学考试教程下册 0015 自考英语二课后习题答案 unit1 Unit 1( 英语二 ) Text A Exercises for the Text ; helped ; form ; front; to; passed; it; same; makers should be able to make the best guess at the future. people think that everything managers do involves decision making.(or Some people think that everything managers do has something to do with decision making.) there are no correct alternatives ,there are no correct decisions to be made. different people have different ideas about the same problem ,so the approaches to it vary from person to person. makers usually hold the key to the business development of the company. Vocabulary Exercises organized II. III. friend accompanied him to a concert. has argued her out of her decision. owed his success in part to luck. to his suggestion ,the formalities have been much simplified. broadcasting station predicts that it will turn cold tomorrow. is defined as a change in position or place. Text B Exercises for the Text II. ; confidence indifference personality; interest pay neat; conservative floor beside your chair naturally 10."I beg your pardon?" or "Could you please repeat it?" etc. Vocabulary Exercises I. disadvantage sure down your advantage the trouble to Grammar Exercises I. 连词;让步状语从句。 尽管约翰想记住,却没能记住一个词。 关系代词;非限定性定语从句。和他的兄弟们一样,哈利身材奇高。 连词;比较状语从句。 这儿有块大石头,没人能搬起它。 连词;比较状语从句。他们的观点和我的一样。 连词;方式状语从句。 像许多人从前那样,认为学习外语没有用是错误的。 关系代词;非限定性定语从句。如从前所说,语法不是一套死规则。 关系代词;非限定性定语从句。 正如同学们所看到的,海伦有点疯疯癫癫的。 关系代词;非限定性定语从句(带有插入语的性质)。 你会发现所有的问题现在都已得到解决。 前一个是副词,后一个是连词;比较状语从句。她和她姐姐跳得一样好。 前一个是副词,后一个是连词;比较状语从句。他们同她一样爱她。 连词;比较状语从句。 他没有她那么老。 介词;时间状语从句。当他还是个孩子时就参了军。 习语;时间状语从句。 趁你在这儿,咱们和不讨论一下咱们的计划? 连词;方式状语从句。 他以他独特的视角来描写中国。 习语;方式状语从句。 他总是努力工作,好像从不感到疲倦。 连词;方式状语从句; 你怎么对待我,我就怎么对待你。 副词;状语。 他是系主任,确实得他签署文件。 介词,习语;定语。你要对整个工作负责。 介词;宾语补语。 他们把他看成是一个了不起的人。 介词;主语补语。 这怎么会被说成缺少经验呢? II. you throw a stone as far as that tree? regard that matter,I have no objection. to his mother,I know nothing about her. for you, I will never want to see you again. does not own him as her own husband. i


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