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小学英语作文繁忙的一周 一周的时间很快就过去了,我们已经经过了 ___一周了,在这一周中相信你也有很多的体会吧,下面是第一给大家精心挑选的繁忙的一周英语,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! After more than a month of summer vacation, I am finally looking forward to the beginning of he new term. The easy first week of the school year made me adapt to the school environment very quickly. In the first week, I have been working hard, although there are still shortings, but I believe, through the help of teachers and the fun of learning, more students support, I will do better! I would like to do what I can for my classmates, and I would like to be a good helper of teachers. Help the teacher to work, help the students who have difficulties, to give a strength to the class family. Although I think my status is good, there is a need for improvement. I study hard enough, for example, between students and lack of municate with each other, and so on, these problems are not conducive to between I and the students study progress, more conducive to the improvement of the overall quality of our class. I believe that I can overe my shortings and do my best to make our class more glorious. This week, the summer vacation I was looking forward to finally came, and I felt relieved without the pressure of the exam. During the week, I slept until I woke up, and I lived in a carefree life every day. On Sunday, my father took me to see the movie "transformers" 4 ", the content is about some wise shape-shifting robot came to earth, some of them are just robots, but also has the evil robots. The robots of justice are called "autobots", and optimus prime makes their chief. Optimus prime leads the car man to fight with man. Finally defeated the evil robot and maintained the peace of the earth. I just started this summer vacation, but I have already made a summer schedule. During this summer vacation, I want to play happily and study hard. I am a schoolgirl. I like to go to school. I usually have a busy week. Monday is a happy day for me because I like to


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